It is interesting that the apparently idle white piece in each phase (Rf7 in a, Bb7 in b) has a…
On No.1753 (MR)
very good !
On No.1750 (HV)
Several Hundreds of AuW helpmates have been composed. The composer has still found something new! Two amazing mates using Phantom…
On No.1750 (HV)
Dual in 312: 2.dh6 Kf7 3.Qd6 Kb3 4.Sc3 ge6 5.Sd5 Bxh6 6.Qxc8 bd6 7.Qxb8+ etc
On No.312,313 (PR)
Dear Julia, congratulations ! you are an aristocrat !! 👸🏼🌺 Sébastien
On No.1744 (JV)
Doesn't the phantom rule apply to the king?
On No.1750 (HV)
Unusual reason why black cannot castle immediately (thereby cooking the problem). f8 needs to be guarded for castling to be…
On No.1749 (MMD)
Happy to see Petkov in good health now. The award is as expected instructive and most welcome
On Award JF-2019/II by Petko Petkov
If I understood your "priority option" regarding AntiCirce+Madrasi properly, you are suggesting that a capture of piece B by piece…
On No.1739 (MR)
Thank you for your further analysis! I am afraid that a formalized way of expressing things is indispensable when it…
On No.1739 (MR)