is dedicated to the world of Fairy Chess!
The WebSite
- will publish Original Problems by contributors and my own(!)
- will host and promote each year an Informal Tourney for Fairy problems – with an eminent judge
- will also have Thematic Tourneys
- is intended for solvers (with solutions hidden!) and for non-solvers (solutions can be revealed with a Click!)
- will offer a forum for discussion – mainly about comments on the problems – but open to any Fairy topic. Contributions to the forum can be posted directly to the site
- will have a valuable section giving definitions of Fairy pieces and Fairy conditions. It is growing all the time!
- will review problem related software
- will give links to other problem websites
- will publish/republish articles by eminent composers – giving due acknowledgement to the original publication.
- will give News of events and tourneys and other matters of interest
Find out more about these things via the TABS above!
I am depending on visitors like you for a successful site! Julia
The structure
The TOP MENU of the site
The RIGHT MENU of the site
Помогите найти E-mail Рауфа Алиовсадзаде.
Я написала Рауфу, что Вы просите его адрес. Если он не будет возражать – пришлю, конечно! (на Ваш электронный адрес)
Liked seeing your very active website. I will write a review
of the interesting TT about marine pieces for feenschach.
Thank you! Would be interesting to read your review!
My chess variants page has many new fairy pieces, such as bifurcation pieces and different kinds of cannons and catapults. I invented them just for the fun of programming them and testing them. They have all been implemented as Zillions programs: Chess Variants.
Hi Julia (my structural question),
great site, useful fairy information, helpful discussions, interesting fairy problems… congratulations (from my side as a newcomer)!
I’d like to ask a question concerning the function bar “+ 0 – …” below each comment/post to a problem. I assume it’s a kind of (dis)agreement-counter? If so, is the poster shown any new count separately, and does it also identify the specific evaluator to the poster or just statically show the current count below the comment? So, would someone else’s “-” (or even multiple “-“) take away my “+” from the counter? Insofar it should be different from a regular (dis)like-indicator? May be a little explanation under file “SITE INTRO” could clarify… THANKS!