Julia's Fairies

About me


Русская версия (RUS v.)

I was born in Riga (Latvia) in 1972, programmer by education – in 1995 have finished Riga Technical University with MS degree in computer sciences. For period 1993-1999 have worked for Internet company in Latvia – programming for company needs and customer support. Starting 1999 till nowadays working as a financial manager in Proact IT Latvia, a part of Proact IT Group.

Have learned to play chess in the first year of school. However the existence of chess problems have discovered only in 2010, with a help of Iļja Ketris, Latvian composer, who has shown me the first chess problem and helped with the first steps in solving and composing.  From the very beginning excited mostly about solving help-mates, in the summer of 2011 I’ve started my composing with help-mates too. My the very first 2 composed problems (one orthodox and one fairy helpmate, both rewarded) were for the tourneys during WCCC in Jesi, August 2011. And my first judge, Diyan Kostadinov, played a role in directing me on the next steps and also has introduced me to Petko Petkov, who became my first real teacher, the one who made me work hard, and to whom I’m grateful for the result! The list of my problems you can see at My Problems page (not so regularly updated 🙂 ), around 150 at the end of 2017. Preferable genres – helpmates and fairies (again, a help-play).

by be for feenschach 2018

Julia’s Fairies project I’ve started in April, 2012. And publishing of original problems – since summer, 2012. In the spring of 2013 I’ve also accepted an invitation to become a webmaster of WFCC website. Since the end of 2016, starting from the organization of ECSC in Riga in May 2017, trying to dedicate some time to the development of chess composition in Latvia, for now it’s mostly about solving competitions, involving chess players, especially juniors. All these projects take so much of time, that my composing seem to become quite limited. But I don’t mind it, while having enthusiasm about all I do.

In October 2021 I’ve got a title of FIDE Master for Chess Compositions. Proud to be the first lady ever who got it. I’m thankful to everybody who supported me in my composing and all activities around chess composition!

The beginning of 2022: preparing for another European Chess Solving Championship in Riga in May 13-15th, 2022. Another big project, one more official website for the event, and everything around the competitions in the frames of 15th ECSC and our guests. 

Languages: Russian (native), Latvian, English.
Kids: Two pretty girls, Daniela (2004) and Dominika (2008).
Hobbies: Horse riding, playing guitar/piano.



The Queens of Problem Chess” by Satanick Mukhuty

Julia Vysotska, Financial Manager on Chess Composition” (OTIA magazine) and  My original questionnaire (the full version of the interview)

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Hubert Gockel
Hubert Gockel
May 10, 2012 15:41

Hello Julia,
my attention to your website was drawn by Petko Petkov. Welcome in the communitiy of chess problem enthusiasts.
I will have an interested look at your problems once I will encounter them.
Bye, Hubert

June 8, 2012 13:37

The movie on Latvia was very good. Enjoyed it. If you have any more and link it would love to watch.

Ферхат Кармиль
December 1, 2012 02:14

Здравствуйте, уважаемая, Юля.
Ознакомился с Вашим сайтом, и он мне (не поверите :)) очень понравился.
Весьма разумно, доступно и со вкусом расположены меню и рубрики на сайте.
Наверное, многим композиторам (ортодоксам, этюдистам) хотелось бы, чтобы на конкурсах составления, организованным Вашим прекрасным сайтом, участвовали ортодоксальные задачи и этюды.
Ибо в противном случае получается ущемление прав ортодоксов и этюдистов! 🙂
Тем не менее(!), невзирая на эту несправедливость, хочу пожелать Вам больших творческих успехов во всех сферах деятельности.
Заходите и к нам «на огонёк».
С почтением, ортодокс Ферхат Кармиль

Рауф Алиовсадзаде
Рауф Алиовсадзаде
January 1, 2013 01:35
Reply to  Julia

С Новым Годом!
Здоровья,счастья успехов!
Рауф А.

Ферхат Кармиль
December 1, 2012 14:41

Факт, что Ваш сайт надо будет в будущем обязательно автоматизировать. А на это нужны средства. Поверьте подобные сайты, как наши с Вами, убыточны. Реклама от гугли – это всего лишь небольшая затычка в Черной дыре 
Поэтому, следует или расширять сферу деятельности сайта: онлайн игры, обучающиеся видео-курсы и так далее, или же смириться с тем, что имеешь. Шахматная композиция единственная сфера деятельности, где финансовая составляющая находится на грани дефолта , если это понятие применимо к композиции…
Поэтому, я пожелаю удачи всем нам, ибо мы в ней будем очень нуждаться 

December 1, 2012 15:08

Julija, I’m impressed but what you’re doing! Great!
I wish you more interesting Fairies and all the best with development of your ideas!
My regards to Family – they can be very proud of you,

shankar ram
shankar ram
December 3, 2012 12:59

This is a different Julia/Julija? 🙂

December 4, 2012 05:22
Reply to  Julia

Actually “Yulia” will be quite easy to pronounce for English-speakers also ! You are welcome to adopt the correct English spelling! It is just that we are used to the name “Julia” made famous by stars like “Julia Roberts” and “Julia Vysotska” 🙂

December 3, 2012 16:37
Reply to  shankar ram

Of course. This ia different Julia Shankarram !!

shankar ram
shankar ram
December 4, 2012 04:43
Reply to  Seetharaman

Was wondering about the post being addressed to a “Julija” with the poster’s name also being “Julija”.. So thought there is one more, new Julia (with the @kristofic.com ID)! Looks like Julia addressed herself by mistake, instead of Ferkhat.. or am i still missing something..? 🙂

shankar ram
shankar ram
December 4, 2012 04:46
Reply to  shankar ram

Thanks to Julia, though.. for explaining the intricacies of russian/latvian names..
indian names are equally.. if not more.. esoteric.. 🙂
maybe a detailed post on them sometime..

shankar ram
shankar ram
December 12, 2012 11:38

automization? or do you mean monetization?
Here’s a little something for you to chew on: http://vandelaydesign.com/blog/make-money/101-ways-to-monetize-your-website-or-blog/
>>His idea is that this site will need the automatization soon, but it requires money, and such sites can’t earn it on Google ads (although, I didn’t plan for that), so I should think about some online games, training courses etc. – something commercial.

December 12, 2012 11:44
Reply to  shankar ram

Nice link, contains lots of interesting ideas !

Elmar Abdullayev
Elmar Abdullayev
January 3, 2013 20:30

Посмотрел ваш сайт он хороший.
На сайт я думаю добавить надо по побольше информации например разместить электронные книги по композиции. Также убрать эту допотопную программу Попейе. Не понимаю к чему она вообще нужна какие-то алгоритмы написанный на бейзике. Самая лучшая программа это Проблемист.
Удачи Вам

Юрай Брабец
Юрай Брабец
January 10, 2013 13:54

Женщина в шахматной композиции большая редкость. А женщина с таким же энтузиазмом как у Вас, только одна. Так что, Юлия, приветствую Вас в нашей семьи от имени словацких шахматных комрозиторов и Вашему сайту желаю только самых удач.
Я думаю, что каждый сайт должен чем то выделяться и тем и характеризовать своего автора. Поэтому было бы хорошо Ваш сайт посвятить тоько тому, что Вас более всего радует – и это (как мне кажется) сказочная композициа (у нас говорят “экзошахматы”).

March 7, 2013 14:14

You are a dedicated composer. So much work in such a short time. You inspire me in composition. Thanks for so many problems. Thanks for your hard work.

Peter Krug
Peter Krug
March 19, 2013 12:10

Dear Julia,

over the e4e5 Tourney I have found your website!
I have already reached your email but I did have
time to compose helpmates, or selfmates.
Maybe I can do this in the future.
I think it is not easy to have enough routine to compose,
but I am still enjoy helpmates and selfmates.

In the present I compose only studies, or
sometimes moremovers.
The new Harmonie from Wilfried Seehofer is famous,
and here I have a new mate in 12 from me.
Maybe you can see it.

I have published in this year many, many studies and
I am so lucky to learn from Sergiy Didukh and
Yochanan Afek.
Sergiy Didukh has told things
from the studies, what for me was more or less
new. He is not only a brillant studycomposer but
also e very great expert of studies.
Meanwhile I have contact with many great composer
of studies and learned from them.

If you have some time maybe you can compose also
a study.

Best Peter (Krug) from Austria

March 20, 2013 08:09
Reply to  Peter Krug

How do you test your studies ? What is the software available?

Peter Krug
Peter Krug
March 20, 2013 10:49
Reply to  seetharaman

Today normaly I have Houdini 1.05 which you
can download for free.

The evaluation from Houdini is very fine, but
not always correct. Therefore sometimes in
some special endgames I need also Stockfish.

The other important thing is the hardware.
Better hardware with more GB Ram and the
prozessor can reach a much deeper evaluation and
so it cost not so much time to controll with good

But it is far away not so important than a good chess

In the studies there you can also decide about the
type of endgame and the difficulty of the analysis.
And so you can avoid unclear lines.
I believe today it is generell better to avoid unclear lines,
and a study with unclear lines also in the analysis
is clear a withdraw.

The new study of the year from GM Oleg Pervakov is a good
example. You can find this on the Akobia site.
In this study of the year from Pervakov the computer find the
solution innert seconds.

@ Julia the internetadress from the new Harmonie:


Best Peter

Bartel Erich
Bartel Erich
June 8, 2015 18:19

Hello Julia,
great respect for your really fine work with
“Julia’s Fairies”. I enjoy it very much.

Frank Müller
Frank Müller
December 9, 2015 22:22

Dear Julia, can you post a hint to our actual fairy tournament?
please see
Märchen-Turnier 2016

Marian Stere
July 28, 2016 21:06

Dear Julia,
First of all, I regret if this message does not interest you and I do apologize.
Anyway, congratulations for “Julia’s Fairies” – a wonderful blog!
If you do not know me, I am Marian Stere, chess editor from Romania, KWF&A member and creator of the website http://www.stere.ro, dedicated to Romanian chess history. Here you can find more than 100,000 pages from chess publications from Romania – nearly all published – and in other languages. Including thousands of pages of fairy chess!!
All is in PDF format, all or FREE download!

Will you please distribute the information about my site and about a chess composition contest I am organizing, with deadline August 31, 2016?

The link is http://www.stere.ro/despre-noi/memorial-sergiu-than-80-ani-de-la-aparitia-sah-mat/
Looking forward to receiving news from you and for a further collaboration,
Best regards,
Marian Stere – http://www.stere.ro

November 30, 2018 23:50

Hello Julia and alla chees problemist,

I would like to discuss aout disfunctions of Popeye 4.77 and 4.79 unable to solve Circe and Maximum. Version 4.75 does it welle. Did someone know why? Maybe a change of input mode ?

To read about all.


Thomas Maeder
Thomas Maeder
December 1, 2018 11:59

Bonjour Henri

My father and grandfather were Swiss cheesemakers (in every sense the the term), so I think that I qualify 🙂

Please post Popeye bug reports on the issues page of the Popeye project:

Bon weekend


Ken Cameron
Ken Cameron
July 13, 2020 21:10

Dear Julia , you recently published the Award for B.C.P.S. Fairies, can’t remember the Year .. pretty recent, 2017, maybe. You awarded me the 3rd Prize .. I don’t keep good Records.
I’m not your Analytical MuffinHead. I would wish to withdraw My Award. I don’t think there is enough room to explain in this Field. Can you forward me your Online Contact EMail. or what you use to communicate with Problemists. Yours Ever, Ken Cameron.

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