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April, 2012My start in compositionI want to dedicate the first post on my site to the very first fairy piece I’ve got to know – the Chameleon (type Q-S-B-R-Q). I’d call this piece – my start in composition, as the first problem I’ve composed and even got a Special Prize, was h#2 with Chameleons for The 2nd BULGARIAN WINE Tourney in Jesi, summer-2011. |
The current year, 2012, is also a special year for the Chameleon piece, as this year it celebrates the 50 years anniversary (the first definition of Chameleon with contemporary rules is published in Feenschach, 1962 by Petko A.Petkov, who has developed an old idea). I’m happy to congratulate the inventor of this peace in a way we see it nowadays, famous composer IGM Petko Petkov, with this great date!
I like this piece, a long time known, but still not so much used and studied, as it gives some interesting and non-standard opportunities.
And now – to some of my published problems…. with Chameleons, of course!
Julia Vysotska
The 2nd Bulgarian Wine TT – 2011
Special Prize h#2 2 solutions (6+9)
Chameleons: Bd6, Sf2, Bb8, Qe2 –
I. 1.CBc7=CR CBf8=CR 2.CRxc4=CQ CRxf6=CQ#
II. 1.CQa2=CS CSh3=CB 2.CSxc3=CB CBg4=CR# –
The black Chameleons moves on the pin line and unpins the white mating pieces after its transformation. Selfblocks with paradoxical captures of the white pieces, exchange of functions between white thematic pieces, ODT.
Julia Vysotska
Strate Gems – 2011 h#2 b) Ga6->c1 (6+4)
Chameleons: Bd3,Sd6,Qg5,Sg6 –
a) 1.CBc4=CR CQg4=CS 2.CSe4=CB CSf2=CB#
b) 1.CSc4=CB CSf4=CB 2.CBe4=CR CBd2=CR# –
Double black self-blocks on c4/e4 realized by the black Chameleons with interchange of functions between them; specific creation of batteries with forward piece Chameleon and rear piece Grasshopper. Interchange of functions between white Chameleons. Meredith.
Julia Vysotska
Uralsky Problemist – 2011 h#2,5* (1+3+2)
Chameleons: Qf8,Qh8 –
I. 1.CQd8=CS ng8=nCB 2.CSb7=CB nCBa2=nCR#
II. 1…ng8=ncQ 2.CQc8=CS nCQd8=nCS 3.CSa7=CB nCSc6=nCB# –
Creation of specific Chameleon-batteries in two phases after nPg7 promotions; unpins of black CQ and black self-blocks on b7,a7; bi-color Bristol CQf8 – nQg8 in solution; model mates. Miniature.
Julia Vysotska
Uralsky Problemist – 2011 h#2 2 solutions (1+7+3)
Chameleons: Qd3,Qe3,Rh2 –
I. 1.Rg8 nCRf2=nCQ 2.Rc8 nCQa7=nCS#
II. 1.Rg6 nCRd2=nCQ 2.Re6 nCQd8=nCS# –
Line-opening after black key-moves, Ambush moves of the nCRh2, black distant self-blocks on c8, e6, specific mates with neutral Chameleons in S-phase. Meredith.
Julia Vysotska
Strate Gems – 2012 hs#2 2 solutions (4+5)
Chameleons: Ba4,Sd4,Sc3 –
I. 1.CBe8=cR CSb3=CB (not CSe6?) 2.CRe4=CQ+ CS*e4=CB#
II. 1.CBb5=cR CSa2=cB (not CSd5?) 2.CRf5=CQ+ CS*f5=CB# –
Chameleon half-battery play, dual avoidance with the interference of white chameleon by black chameleon, model mates, Meredith.
Julia Vysotska
Strate Gems – 2012 hs#3 2 solutions (6+6)
Chameleons: Bb1,Bg1 –
I. 1.g8=СQ СBh7=СR 2.СQe6=СS СRh1=СQ 3.СSd4=СB+ СBxd4=cR#
II. 1.g8=СR СBa7=СR 2.СRg6=СQ СRa1=СQ 3.СQd3=СS+ СBxd3=СR# –
Creation of reciprocal batteries with 2 chameleons in Bishop phase, white promotions in CQ and CR, model mates.
Your problems are very nice and show interesting – Diyan is right that you are very talented.
Sorry, your email address doesn’t work from me – it says “mailbox unavailable”. You can write me to julia@juliasfairies.com – we can try to check what’s wrong with the feed together. Thanks! julia
Hi Julia,
I very much enjoyed your compositions w/ chameleons!
My first ever step into unorthodox chess composition also began with chameleons.
In the Good Companions Quick Composing Tourney (2001), the required theme was to get chess pieces into and/or out of the board’s corners; and, it occurred to me that Petko’s chameleons would be ideally suited for such a mission.
And, similarly, this was my first awarded problem (and also like you, I won a prize)!
So, not only did I enjoy your problems (and I certainly agree that you show great promise as a composer), I also found them taking me back in time — to my early start in chess composition.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Kevin,
Thank you very much for your comment!! I also like sometimes to be taken back in a time.. Interesting about your problem – 10 years ago! May I see it?
I’m going to write more about the software for now as this is my “strong point”. The updates to the pages will come all the time. And I’ll try to make thematic posts with my compositions as well.
All the comments are very useful for me to make this site as good as possible. And the warm comments like yours motive a lot! / julia.
Hi Julia,
Sorry for the long delay.
The problem I was referring to is “PROBID=’P1083502′” on PDB. @ http://www.softdecc.com/
Thanks, Kevin!
Screenshot with your problem for everybody: http://prntscr.com/af9my
Hi Julia,
Nice problems. Why the nQ at h8 in the h#2.5* has to be chameleon queen? Seems like simple neutral rook works as well.
Hi Dmitri,
Oh, you’ve helped me to find the mistake on the diagram. The pawn on g7 shouldn’t be Chameleon of course, it’s just neutral pawn (I’ve corrected it now). If I use the neutral rook at h8 – the problem will have many cooks..
Thanks a lot for your comment! julia.