Popeye 4.77: a new release, 24.05.2017

Popeye 4.77: a new release, 24.05.2017

Popeye release 4.77 announced as of 24-May-2017!

See new features and changes since PY 4.75, examples and user guides, and all downloads @ GitHub, release PY 4.77.

Or use these links for direct download PY 4.77 for Windows:
pywin64.exe | pywin32.exe | manual in English

Thanks a lot to Thomas Maeder and Popeye team!

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Juraj Lörinc
Juraj Lörinc
May 28, 2017 15:59

Does anyone know how is defined a new feature of Popeye – Lost Pieces?

I suppose they were added in connection with Andernach meeting just ongoing, but it is just a guess.

bernd ellinghoven
bernd ellinghoven
June 5, 2017 13:54

Definition Lost Pieces:
Nach jedem Zug werden alle Steine der gegnerischen Farbe automatisch vom Brett entfernt, sofern sie von der ziehenden Partei beobachtet sind und sie sich einer feindlichen Beobachtung nicht entziehen können.

After each move all pieces of the adverse colour are automatically removed from the board provided they are observed by the moving party and they cannot evade hostile observation.
RESULTS IN THE NEXT feenschach. best by -be-

June 6, 2017 23:54

Is “evade hostile observation” orthodox or fairy?

I mean in the position w: Pb5c5 b: Pa6a7 Qh1, white on move is playing b5-b6. Is bPa7 removed from the board or is Qb7(wPb6 removed) a valid (fairy) way to evade hostile observation?

Geoff Foster
Geoff Foster
June 7, 2017 02:38

Popeye’s “help anymove” command is very useful for answering such questions. In this case the code is:

stipulation h~1
white pb5c5
black pa7a6 qh1
condition LostPieces
option HalfDuplex

The first two solutions given by Popeye are:

1.b5-b6[-bPa7] Qh1-a8
1.b5-b6[-bPa7] Qh1-b7[-wPb6]

So after 1.b5-b6 the bPa7 is removed immediately, before Black plays his move. The same thing occurs even if the wK is added on b2, even though 1…Qb7 pins the observing white unit.

June 7, 2017 13:40

Thanks Geoff – so “evade hostile observation” has to be taken in the orthodox way. Maybe this fact should be added in the rules, because the alternative fairy way looks a possible convention too.

Kjell Widlert
Kjell Widlert
June 7, 2017 22:50

The participants in Andernach this year found the description by Popeye maestro Thomas Maeder helpful:
After each move, you check the adversary’s pieces one by one, each time on the assumption that the piece under consideration is royal and is the only royal piece on the board. If that piece would then be mated, it is marked for deletion – and when all the adversary’s pieces have been checked in this manner, those marked for deletion are removed from the board before the other side is to move. (This implies that there are no chain reactions: if White plays Ra5 in a position with black Pb5d5 and white Pb4d4, only Pb5 is removed at this time – Pd5 may be removed next time, if the position is the same.)

The method described (which is the one Popeye actually uses) also implies that if there is a bKa5 in Geoff’s example, bPa7 would *not* be removed! It could be saved by Kxb6, because Ka5 is considered non-royal when Pa7 is checked for possible deletion.

June 8, 2017 00:37

Thanks Kjell. Another subtlety might be added: a move whose result is a removing leading to a self-check position is illegal.

stipulation ~1
white ph3 ka5
black pb5 qc5
condition LostPieces

1.Ka5-a6 !

Indeed after 1.h3-h4, bPb5 must be removed from the board, leading to an illegal position with black on move. Hence 1.h3-h4 is illegal.

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