'Haaner Chess', 'Alphabetic Chess', 'ABC for white', 'ABC inverse for black'
ABC for white:
White has to choose his move among those with the departure square is the better ranked in the alphabetical order and numerical that is to say a1 a2 a8 b1 b8 h1... h8.
ABC inverse for black:
Black has to choose his move among those with the departure square is the less well ranked in the alphabetical order and numerical that is to say h8 h7 h1 g8 g1 a8... a1.
Alphabetic Chess:
The squares are considered in the order a1, a2…a8, b1…b8, c1 and so on to h8. At each turn, only the unit standing on the square which comes earliest in this order may move. However check and mate are normal.
Очередность полей определяется как a1, a2…a8, b1…b8, c1 итд. до h8. Каждый раз может ходить только фигура, стоящая на поле, которое в данной очередности стоит раньше других. Однако шах и мат происходят по обычным правилам.
Haaner Chess:
After each move, the departure square of the moving unit becomes a ‘hole’ which no unit may be occupy or pass through again.
No. 1694 Sébastien Luce
original - 26.02.2022
white Ke1 Sb1 Ph2g2f2e2d2c2b2a2
black Ph7g7f7e7d7c7b7a7 Ke8 Sb8
h==15.5 10+10
Haaner Chess
ABC for white
ABC inverse for black
With a symetrical "homebase position", and "only" twenty pieces, the solution is longer than
the previous. The black Excelsior to Knight is followed by its capture (Ceriani-Frolkin).
At the end, white Pawn b7 controls the only flight square of black King.