Original Fairy problems
01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022
No. 1722 Manfred Rittirsch
original - 29.06.2022
white Kh1 Bg1 Qc2 Pg7b7
black Rg2 Pd2b2g3c3a6 Ba3a8 Sb4f6 Ke5
h#2 2 solutions 5+11
Breton adverse
Breton adverse
Solution: (click to show/hide)
Very nice. g8 promotion cannot be same as in b8! Wonder if Bg1 can be moved to f2 so that g3 can be saved?
No, on f2 the B would still be observed by Rf3, so the 1st solution would not work.
Thanks anyway for pondering!