Original Problems (page 114)Original fairy problems published during 2012 will participate in the informal tourney JF-2012. The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcomed for publication! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com Go to →List of Problems ; →Page 113 ; →Page 115 |
No.179 – h#2,5 by Gani Ganapathi & Juraj Lörinc – Two nice and specific self-blocks by the black Pawns in the both solutions! (JV)
Circe Parrain: After a capture, the captured piece is reborn only after another piece of its own side has moved. The line between capturing square and rebirth square is parallel with and of same direction and length as the move of this other piece. Pawns can be reborn on 1st and 8th rank. From their own base rank, they may move one-step; if reborn on the promotion rank, the Pawn at once promotes, the promotion piece being determined by the Pawn side. If the arrival square is occupied or if the journey bring it out of the board, the captured unit vanishes.
Circe Contra Parrain: The single move following a capture, the captured unit (except a King) accomplish, from its capture square, an exact copy of that next move, but in reverse. If the arrival square is occupied or if the journey bring it out of the board, the captured unit vanishes.
No.179 Gani Ganapathi & Juraj Lörinc
India / Slovakia
![]() h#2,5 (2+6)
Circe Parrain b) Circe Contra Parrain Solutions: (click to show/hide)
The diagrams are made on WinChloe and its Echecs font is used for Logo design
Neat instructive demonstration of the two contrasting types of Circe. If only some additional use could be found for the black Parrain moves ……… 🙂