Original Problems (page 40)Original fairy problems published during 2012 will participate in the informal tourney JF-2012. The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcomed for publication! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com Go to ?List of Problems; ?Page 39 ; ?Page 41 |
I have a pleasure to welcome 3 world-known German authors –
Dieter Müller, Franz Pachl & Sven Trommler !
No.87 – #2 by Dieter Müller, Franz Pachl & Sven Trommler – Non-standard realization of Dombrovskis theme with main actors: Equihoppers. (JV)
Grasshopper: Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
Equihopper: Hops on any straight line (joining square midpoints) to an equal distance beyond a hurdle. Interference and pinning effects are possible on the line.
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No.87 Dieter Müller, Franz Pachl & Sven Trommler
![]() #2 v… (10+9)
Grasshoppers: c8, d8
Equihoppers: a1, a5, c1, c2, g8
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
3 x Dombrovskis-theme (Authors)
The diagrams are made on WinChloe and its Echecs font is used for Logo design
Very interesting concept showing 3xDombrovskis theme. The defences and refutations are very neat ! It seems possible to use the EQa1 at a3 (minus the black pawn c5) so that black pawn c7 itself will make two of the refutations. 1. EQa3-a7? c5 ! 1. EQa5-a7 c6 ! Of course Non-stop equihoppers may have to be used. In the above case, enough to have black pawn c2. (rather than the black equihopper) Just a thought, as I didnt make a testable version.
Based on my earlier comment, I have now what might be considered an improved version for Problem No. 87.
Nonstop Equihoppers a3, a5 and c1.
Grasshoppers c8 & d8.
White Gc8 Gd8 Kf8 NEa5 Ph5 Ph4 NEa3 Pg3 NEc1
Black Pc7 Pa6 Pe6 Kf6 Ph6 Pd5 Pe5 Be4 Pc2
1.NEa5-a7? 1… c5 2.NEa3-e7# 1…c6!
1.NEa3-a7 1…c6 2.NEa5-e7# 1…c5!
1.NEc1-c3? 1…d4!
1.g3-g4! threat: 2.Gc8-c6#
1…c5 2.NEa3-e7#
1…c6 2.NEa5-e7#
1…d4 2.NEc1-e7#
Two of the tries moves are now at the same square “a7” and defeated by the same black pawn c7!
The black equiphoppers not essential thematically could be removed. The two white knights now replaced by pawns.
What is lost is the non-thematic try by the Key knight.