Original Problems (page 85)Original fairy problems published during 2012 will participate in the informal tourney JF-2012. The site is mostly about fairies, but h# and s# are also welcomed for publication! Please send your problems to my e-mail: julia@juliasfairies.com Go to →List of Problems; →Page 84 ; →Page 86 |
I’m so much happy to present 2 problems by Petko A. Petkov! My site will become half-year old on October, the 10th. Also, a year ago on the same day, I’ve written to Mr.Petkov for the first time and from that day trying to be a good student of him. These problems is one of the most meaningful gifts I ever had!
Dear Petko, thank you so much for everything!!!
No.148 – hs#3 – White blocks realized by the black pieces! – a very surprising effect of Anti-Andernach Chess! (Author)
No.149 – hs#3 – A non-standard change of functions of two Chameleons, where “tempo moves of Chameleons have an effect as white block through the black piece” (JV)
Chameleon: On completing a move, a Chameleon (from classical standard type) changes into another piece, in the sequence Q-S-B-R-Q… Promotion may be to a chameleon at any stage in the cycle.
Nightrider(N): A Rider along a straight line on squares lying a Knight`s move away from each other.
Anti-Andernach Chess: a unit (not King) changes color after its moves unless that move is a capture. (Or: a unit (King excluded) changes color on completion of a non-capturing move.)
You can сlick on “Solutions” to show or hide the solutions!
No.148 Petko A. Petkov
Dedicated to Julia Vysotska!
![]() hs#3 2 solutions (5+6)
Nightrider e6
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
No.149 Petko A. Petkov
Dedicated to the 6th month Jubilee of the site Julia’s Fairies!
![]() hs#3 2 solutions (6+6)
Chameleons: Sa5, Qd8, Qg3
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
The diagrams are made on WinChloe and its Echecs font is used for Logo design
Two beautiful problems by Petkov.
Two original and interesting effects of Anti-Andernach Black queen releasing guards around the White King is unexpected and paradoxical in No.148 !
Black playing tempo move converting to white piece in N.149 is probably a unique idea ! Problems worthy of the World champion !