Seetharaman Kalyan
From India. Age 71, retired. Composing directmates, helpmates and faires.
Excellent problem, though having so many fairy elements! Neutral King is an unusual concept, but here it is very effective…
On Original Problems (4)
Your version nice with Leos only! Actually Petko's idea was to show the blocking of Neutral battery piece(s) -- see…
On Original Problems (3)
This is very neat with two different promotions of same pawn!
On Original Problems (3)
Nice idea, but for the twinning.
On Original Problems (3)
Nice version, adding a third solution improves the interesting idea of Janos. Well done !! This was my version !…
On Original Problems (3)
Well.... the solution needs to corrected.
On Original Problems (3)
Petko is right that neutral Locusts are not frequently met in problems. The suggested schemes show that it has lot…
On Block of Neutral Battery Piece – II
OH... Congrats. Is it already a month old. Lot of products in a month !
On 1st month!
@Juraj. Well... In an Ecto battery the effect is caused by other than simple arrival or departure. In a normal…
On Block of Neutral Battery Piece – II
The user interface -- How does it compare with AP Win?
On WinChloe