The AWARD of Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013
2. HS# (HS=, HS==) problems in 2-4 moves
Participants: Stephan Dietrich (Germany), Kenneth Solja (Finland), Karol Mlynka (Slovakia), Geoffrey Foster (Australia), Mario Parrinello (Italy), Sven Trommler (Germany), Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia).
In this section participated 20 problems by 7 authors from 6 countries. The competition appeared very good, with a number of excellent works in the HS# genre. The authors have demonstrated some original ideas using Marine Pieces in the HS# genre shown for the first time!
Mario Parrinello Italy Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 Section HS# 1st Prize ![]() Siren e7 Nereids: a2, f2, g3 Poseidons: d5, e4 Marine pawn f3 |
Mario Parrinello Italy Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 Section HS# 2nd Prize ![]() b) MSg4→d5 Marine Knights: c2, f1, g4 |
1st Prize: Mario Parrinello (Italy) – In the beginning the white battery POd5/MPf3 fires. Moves of the white POd5 three times create new batteries of type PO/NE. The mates are very beautiful – the black SI occupies places vacated by the white PO – the Umnov theme in combination with specific blocks of the squares. Sharp, very interesting play with cross checks! An excellent problem by the Italian maestro!
I. 1.NDf4 SIf6 2.POd6+ POe5+ 3.POd7+ SId6 #;
II. 1.NDe3 SIc7 2.POc5+ POd4+ 3.POb5+ SI×c6-c5 #;
III. 1.NDc4 SId7+ 2.POe6+ POd5+ 3.POf7+ SIe6 #
2nd Prize: Mario Parrinello (Italy) – A paradoxical exchange of places between the mating and checking Marine Knights! The annihilation of the black pawn c4 to open a line for Ba6 is also good. An exchange of the first and second black moves is a nice addition to the content.
a) 1…MSg3 2.MSe5 MSd4 3.MS×c4-a3 MS×f5-h6 4.MSc2+ MSg4 #;
b) 1…MSd4 2.MSb6 MSg3 3.MS×c4-d2 MS×f5-e7 4.MSf1+ MSd5 #
Sven Trommler Germany Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 Section HS# 3rd Prize ![]() b) -Pb3; c) black MSa6 Marine Knight a4 Triton b8 Marine pawn d7 |
Geoffrey Foster Australia Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 Section HS# Special Prize ![]() Marine Knight b4 Poseidon e1 Triton c6; Nereid e2; Siren g2 Marine pawns: c4,d4,d5,e3,e6,f4,f5,g6 |
3rd Prize: Sven Trommler (Germany) – Cyclical creation of the black batteries: MS/TR (a), TR/MP (b) and MP/MS (c). Also good are moves of the white pawns, demonstrating the theme “Vacation of square”. Very complicated and interesting schemes, but here we can’t speak about an ideal black cycle, because in twin (с) a new piece participates – MSa6.
a) 1…MSa4-c3 2.g5-g6 TRb8-c8 3.Qd4-e4 + MSc3×e4-g5 #;
b) 1…TRb8-b3 2.f3×g4 MPd7-d5 3.Qd4-e3 + TRb3×e3-f3 #;
c) 1…MPd7-d6 2.f4-f5 MSa4-b2 3.Qd4-e5 + MPd6×e5-f4 #
Special Prize: Geoffrey Foster (Australia) – A paradoxical problem consisting of only neutral Marine pieces! The most beautiful moment in the content: MPd4 and MPf4 during the play give 4(!) double checks to the neutral Poseidon! Very curious also is the nPO’s march to the square “е7″ and afterwards – back!
1.nMPe3-e4 nPOe1×e2-e3 + 2.nPOe3×e4-e5 + nPOe5×e6-e7 3.nMPc4×d5-e6 nMPg6×f5-e4 4.nPOe7×e6-e5 + nPOe5×e4-e3 #
Juraj Lörinc Slovakia Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 Section HS# 1st Honorable Mention ![]() Poseidons: f4, g6 |
Geoffrey Foster Australia Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 Section HS# 2nd Honorable Mention ![]() b) nBd4→b3 Poseidon h7 |
Kenneth Solja Finland Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 Section HS# 3rd Honorable Mention ![]() Nereids: d1, f4 Tritons: a4, c3, f3 |
1st Honorable Mention: Juraj Lörinc (Slovakia) – Echо model mates after Annihilation of pawns g4/e5 and Annihilation of the white Bg4(a) and Re5(b). In my opinion this scheme, although very interesting, is only reminiscent of the Bristol theme, but does not express it in a pure form. The key-moves are interesting, but thematically not equivalent – the Ambush theme is beautifully and accurately expressed only in the 1st solution (1…Rf1!).
a) 1…Rf1 2.B×g4 PO×g4-h4 3.Qh5+ PO×h5-h6#; b) 1…Ra6 2.R×e5 PO×e5-d6 3.Qe7+ PO×e7-f8#
2nd Honorable Mention: Geoffrey Foster (Australia) – “In (a), White moves the nQf6 and nPOh7, while Black moves the nQb2, but in (b) the reverse happens. At the end, a check from a neutral pawn by White is answered by a mate from the same neutral pawn by Black!” – The idea is original and the play has chameleon-echo character. But, in my opinion, in the two phases there is a big analogy in the methods of achieving the goal.
a) 1…e5 2.nQf1 f6 3.nPOg6 nQb7 4.nPO×f6-e6+ nPO×e5-e4 #; b) 1…nQff2 2.d6 nBd5 3.nQb8 nPOg7 4.nPO×f7-e7+ nPO×e6-e5 #
3rd Honorable Mention: Kenneth Solja (Finland) – Black Indian theme realized by the black NE and TR in combination with Annihilation key-moves. Good, but not fully identical play of the black Tritons. I prefer the first solution to the second. The repetition of the white move Kf3 is a weakness.
I. 1. ND×e3-d2 TRca3 2. TRc3 NDb3 3. Kf3 TR×g4-h4 4. TRc1+ NDd1#; II. 1. TR×e3-d3 ND×g4-h5 2. NDe3 TRg4+ 3. Kf3 TRcc4 4. TRd1+ TRg1#
Stephan Dietrich Germany Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 Section HS# Commendation ![]() Poseidons: c4, d2 |
Sven Trommler Germany Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 Section HS# Commendation ![]() Marine Knight c8 Triton b3 |
Mario Parrinello Italy Julia’s Fairies Marine TT 2013 Section HS# Commendation ![]() Nereids: b8, g1, h1 Marine Knight e3 |
Commendation: Stephan Dietrich (Germany) – Aristocratic miniature with nice play of two Poseidons, but with an absence of full thematic analogy between the two phases.
I. 1…Rh5 2.Bd3 Sc2 3.Rd1+ POc3 #; II. 1…Sd5 2.Se3 POc3+ 3.POd3+ POd4 #
Commendation: Sven Trommler (Germany) – A nice Meredith with a double creation of black MS/TR batteries using only two black pieces: MSb8/TRb3. But unfortunately the white play is fully orthodox.
a) 1.Rh7-g7 TRb3-c3 2.Rg7×g4 MSc8-e7 3.Sg2-e3 + TRc3×e3-f3 # ; b) 1.Sg2-f4 MSc8-d6 2.Sf4-h3 TRb3-d3 3.Rh7-f7 + MSd6×f7-h8 #
Commendation: Mario Parrinello (Italy) – Neutral Indian theme (nNE/nMS). Interesting play, but reminiscent of analogical HS# schemes without use of Marine pieces.
a) 1.nNDa8 nMSd5+ 2.Rf3+ Rc6 3.nMS×f6-h7+ Rd7 # ; b)1.nNDa7 nMSd4 2.Re3+ Rc5 3.nMS×f5-h6+ Rc4 #