The rules for writing solutions
- In all problems except helpmates White begins and there is only one solution.
- Mate in 2 moves (#2): write the 1st white move only.
- Mate in 3 or more moves (#3/#n): write the 1st white move, possible threat and all variations of full length different from threat. You don’t need to write the last black and the last white move (mating move), or shorter variations.
- Endgame (+, =): write all moves up to an obvious win or draw.
- Selfmate (S#): Write the 1st white move, possible threat and all variations till the last white move. You don’t need to write the last black (mating) move. In selfmate Black avoids to give mate, but White forces him to do so.
- Helpmate (H#): write all moves in all solutions, from the 1st black move, to the last white (mating) move. In helpmates Black begins and helps to be mated. For instance, solution of H#2 should be written this way: Black move – White move 2.Black move – White mating move. Each solution scores points. All solutions are worth 5 points. If, for instance, 1 solution out of 2 is written correctly, solvers gets 2.5 points.