Julia's Fairies

No.299 (ND)

Nicolas Dupont (France)
Warm welcome to Nicolas and to his first publication at Julia’s Fairies!


Original Problems, Julia’s Fairies – 2013 (I): January – April

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Please send your original fairy problems to: julia@juliasfairies.com

No.299 by Nicolas Dupont  – This problem introduces Proof Games at Julia’s Fairies! It doesn’t participate in the informal tourneys announced for now, but in case of more entries coming the separate tourney for them might be announced at the end of year 2013! Thanks to the author for a very detailed explanation to the problem below! (JV)


Take & Make: Having captured, a unit must immediately, as part of its move, play a non-capturing move in imitation of the captured unit from the capture-square. If no such move is available, the capture is illegal. Promotion by capture occurs only when a pawn arrives on the promotion rank as the result of a take&make move. Checks are as in normal chess: after the notional capture of the checked K, the checking unit does not move away from the K’s square.

No.299 Nicolas Dupont
phser-dia14                             (14+15)
Take & Make
Solutions with explanations: (click to show/hide)

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Paul Raican
Paul Raican
April 16, 2013 20:16

Nice to see this kind of problems here. Thank you, Nicolas! I only wonder if the Q-Pronkin theme could be done in 13 moves: White Pa2 Pb2 Pd2 Pe2 Pf2 Pg2 Ph2 Ra1 Sb1 Bc1 Qd1 Ke1 Bf1 Rh1 (14)
Black Sb8 Bc8 Qd8 Bf8 Sg8 Rh8 Pb7 Pc7 Pe7 Pf7 Pg7 Ph7 Kd6 Pd5 (14)
phser-dia13 Take&Make

Intention: 1.Sg1-f3 2.Sf3-e5 3.Se5xd7-d6 + Ke8-d7 4.Sd6-c4 5.Sc4-b6 + a7xb6-d5 6.c2-c4 7.Qd1-a4 + Ra8xa4-b5! 8.c4xb5-a5 9.a5-a6 10.a7 11.a8=Q 12.Qa8-a4 + Kd7-d6 14.Qa4-d1

Nicolas Dupont
Nicolas Dupont
April 17, 2013 02:50

Thanks for this comment Paul, hope we will soon see one of your own fairy PG here!

Your idea is very dangerous as the white c4-pawn is too near from the black King. Instead of 7.Qd1-a4 14.Qa4-d1, you can play for instance 7.Qa4+ Kd6 8.Qb3 9.c5+ Kxc5-c6 10.Qa4+ Kd6 11.Qxa8-a4 12.Qd1

Antonio Garofalo
April 17, 2013 11:44

Very, very nice! Congratulations to N. Dupont.

Paul Raican
Paul Raican
April 15, 2020 09:12

Today, this problem can be (partially) tested by Jacobi v0.7.4:
cond take&make
stip phser-*dia 12 forsyth Qsbq1bsr/1ppkpppp/8/3p4/1rP5/8/1P1PPPPP/RSB1KB1R
stip phser-dia2 pieces white ke1 qd1 ra1 rh1 bc1 bf1 sb1 pb2 pc4 pd2 pe2 pf2 pg2 ph2 black kd6 qd8 rb4 rh8 bc8 bf8 sb8 sg8 pb7 pc7 pd5 pe7 pf7 pg7 ph7

Sol: 1.Sf3 2.Se5 3.Sxd7-d6+ Kd7 4.Sc4 5.Sb6+ axb6-d5 6.c4 7.Qa4+ Rxa4-b4 8.a4 9.a5 10.a6 11.a7 12.a8=Q 13.Qa4+ Kd6 14.Qd1

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