Definitions: (click to show/hide)
Contra Grasshopper(CG): Moves like a Grasshopper but in reverse: the hurdle must be adjacent to the CG, which may land anywhere on the line beyond. (Grasshopper(G): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.)
Rose-Locust(LS): Locust operating along Rose lines.
Rose(RO): (1,2) Octagonal Rider (extents the move of the Knight on a circular path e.g. a4-b6-d7-f6-g4-f2-d1-b2 or a4-c5-e4-f2).
Locust(L): Moves along Queen lines only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant.
PWC: When a capture is made, the captured unit (except a King) is replaced on the square the capturing unit just leaves. A Pawn is immovable on its 1st rank.
No.1000 Vlaicu Cri?an Romania original – 02.02.2016
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
White Kc8 CGf1
Black Ke3
Neutral LSe2f2
h#4.5 2 solutions (2+1+2) PWC Contra Grashopper f1 Rose-Locust e2, f2
1...CGf1-d3 2.nLSf2*d3-c5[+wCGf2] CGf2-d4 3.nLSe2*d4-e6[+wCGe2] Kc8-b7 {
} 4.nLSe6*e2-c1[+wCGe6] Kb7-b6 5.nLSc5*e6-g5[+wCGc5] CGc5-a7 # {
1...CGf1-f4 2.nLSe2*f4-e6[+wCGe2] CGe2-e4 3.nLSf2*e4-c5[+wCGf2] Kc8-d8 {
} 4.nLSc5*f2-h3[+wCGc5] Kd8-e7 5.nLSe6*c5-b3[+wCGe6] CGe6-e8 {#
(C+ by Popeye 4.73)}
Ideal mirror mates after intensive PWC specific play with diagonal-orthogonal generic levitra fast shipping correspondence. (Author)
Diagrams of the final positions: 
Not only the beautiful mates, but the whole play – including the two wK moves in each solution – is in diagonal-ortogonal correspondence! Yet we don’t get the impression of seeing the same solution twice.
Every move echoed in ODT fashion.
And with only 5 pieces, obviously every piece is involved.
Must have been composed in ortho-diagonal heaven!
A fitting marker for No.1000…
Though I would’ve expected a HS# 😉
I am no case suggesting that the following problem is predecessor, just No 1000 has instantly reminded me of it:
Quite fittingly if has won fairy section of TT dedicated to D-O transformation.
Juraj, you are absolutely right: the final positions from Didier’s problem actually inspired me to compose this problem. I wanted to bring also the wK into play and exploit more the specificity of the fairy pieces. The ContraGrasshopper was as a lucky inspiration, as the problem would be cooked with a Lion.