Definition: (click to show/hide)
Alphabetic Chess: The squares are considered in the order a1, a2…a8, b1…b8, c1 and so on to h8. At each turn, only the unit standing on the square which comes earliest in this order may move. However check and mate are normal.
No.1131 Chris Feather England original – 23.09.2016
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
white Bc7 Pc4f2f6 Kd3 Sh8g1
black Kh6 Pa6d5g7h4
ser-h#25 (7+5) Alphabetic Chess
1.a6-a5 2.a5-a4 3.a4-a3 4.a3-a2 5.a2-a1=Q 6.Qa1-e5 7.d5-d4 {
} 8.Qe5-h5 9.g7-g5 10.g5-g4 11.g4-g3 12.g3-g2 13.h4-h3 14.h3-h2 {
} 15.h2-h1=B 16.Qh5-h2 17.Qh2*g1 18.Qg1-h2 19.g2-g1=R 20.Rg1-g7 {
} 21.Rg7-h7 22.Bh1-f3 23.Bf3-h5 24.Qh2-d6 25.Qd6-a6 Bc7-f4 # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
The position of the bPa6 is a kind of hint, because this is the square to which it must ultimately return (as a queen) so as to pin the wPc4. (Author)
A complex ser-h#n with many surprising moves.
It may give more interest to composers
to create in this field.
Lovely problem showing the many motifs of this fairy type. That the pawn has to return as queen to the original square (to legalise the mating move) is probably a hint for solvers, but a good idea for composers like me.