No.1282 |
Original Fairy problems |
Definition: (click to show/hide)
No.1282 Anatoly Stepochkin |
Solutions: (click to show/hide) |
white Ra1 Sa5e4 Ke1 Pf3g4
black Gc2 Kd3 Pa2d4e3g5g6
ser-h#10* (6+7) |
No.1282.1 Anatoly Stepochkin & |
Solutions: (click to show/hide) |
white Rh1 Ke1 Sd6 Bf4 Ge4 Pc4h6
black Kf3 Gg2 Pc5d3
ser-h#12* (7+4) |
Dear Anatoly,
there is a possible version with a lightly longer rundlauf of black Grasshopper and without white Knight a5. What do you think about it ?
White : Ke1 Ra1 Se4 Pb6g4c3f3h3
Black : Kd3 Pg5c4e3a2 Gc2
version S.L
sh‡12* (8+6) C+
1.Gxe4 2.Ge2 3.Gxg4 4.Ge2 5.g4 6.g3 7.g2 8.g1=G 9.Gd4 10.Ga7 11.Gc5 12.Gxc3 0-0-0‡
Longer need not be automatically better. The original is economical and good. Using two outlying WPs instead of a WS is preferable.
But, yes, there is a feeling that the problem is not polished.
See the following comparison example:
white Rh1 Ge5e4b1 Ke1 Pc4f4
black Gg2 Kf3 Pc5d3
1.Gxe4 2.Gg4 3.Ge2 4.Gxc4 5.Gg4 6.c4 7.c3 8.c2 9.c1=G 10.Gg5 11.Ge3 0-0#
Dear Sebastien I am more in solidarity with the opinion of seetharaman.
I meant that knight is preferable.
Dear Anatoly,
as I havent your mail, I sent to Julia this morning the following version, also with short castle as Evseev proposition. You can choose the one you prefer for a possible republication AS-SL or AS-SL-EV.
version S.L of diag 1282 JF
White : Ke1 Rh1 Se4 Pc4d3h3
Black : Kf3 Pc6c5f4e3 Gg2
sh‡10* (6+6) C+
1.Gxe4 2.Ge2 3.Gxc4 4.Ge2 5.c4 6.c3 7.c2 8.c1=G 9.Gc7 10.Gg3 0-0‡
Dear Sebastien, thank you for your version of my task. I like the version of Evseev more. I hope George agrees that his version can be published as a joint Stepochkin + Evseev.
The following version is also possible, but I am not sure which onr of my proposals is better. I agree with any decision of Anatoly, concerning new versions.
White : Ke1 Rh1 Bf4 Sd6 Ph6c4 Ge4
Black : Kf3 Pc5d3 Gg2
1.Gxe4 2.Gg4 3.Ge2 4.Gxc4 5.Gg4 6.c4 7.c3 8.c2 9.c1=G 10.Gf1 11.Gc4 12.Gce2 0-0‡
George, that’s the version I like best. Let’s stay with her.
Анатолий, есть такая зарисовка, с небольшой экономией материала:
White : Ke1 Rh1 Bf4 Pc4 Gb1 LEe4 (6)
Black : Kf3 Pc5d3 Gg2 (4)
Ser-h#11* (6+4) C+
G = Grasshopper
LE = Leo
1.Gg2*e4 2.Ge4-g4 3.Gg4-e2 4.Ge2*c4 5.Gc4-e2 6.c5-c4
7.c4-c3 8.c3-c2 9.c2-c1=LE 10.LEc1-c8 11.LEc8-g4 0-0#
Сергей,по-моему неплохо.
Георгий,что скажешь?
Можно подумать ещё об одной фазе. Например, схема:
White : Ke1 Rh1 Pc4f4h2 Ga3b1e4 (8)
Black : Kf3 Pa4c5d3 Gg2 (5)
Ser-h#12* 2.1.. (8+5) C+
G = Grasshopper
1…Rh1-f1 #
a) 1.Gg2*e4 2.Ge4-g4 3.Gg4-e2 4.Ge2*c4 5.Gc4-g4 6.c5-c4
7.c4-c3 8.c3-c2 9.c2-c1=G 0.Gc1-f1 11.Gf1-c4 12.Gc4-e2 0-0#
b) 1.Kf3*f4 2.Kf4-e5 3.Ke5-d4 4.Kd4*c4 5.Kc4-d4 6.c5-c4
7.c4-c3 8.Kd4-e3 9.Ke3-f3 10.c3-c2 11.c2-c1=B 12.Bc1-f4 Rh1-f1#
The idea to add a new type of fairy piece for the sake of the minimal economy is not attractive for me.
The new phase is worth it only in case of radical change: totally new mate is required. I have seen some “parasitic” mates in cooks during the work on the position, but they never were dual free.
Георгий, спасибо и согласен с Вашими доводами.
Постепенно до меня доходят нюансы составления сказок.