Julia's Fairies

No.1616 (MK)

Marjan Kovačević

Original Fairy problems
01.01.2021 - 30.06.2021

Definitions / Определения

No. 1616 Marjan Kovačević
original - 30.05.2021

black Qg1 Nh4 Rb7 Pa7 Ka8 white Bh2a4 Qd2 Ka5 Ne8
hs#2.5            b) Rb7-->b6            5+5
Nightrider e8, h4

Solution: (click to show/hide)

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shankar ram
shankar ram
May 30, 2021 19:11

Amazing! A New German style hs# with a main plan and two fore plans. Shown twice with a complex sequence involving double pins and anticipatory mutual interferences by the BQ/BN. The WQ/WN also exchange roles of pinning the BR and the checking of the BK on the last move – also resulting in reciprocal change of W 2nd and 3rd moves. An extended version of ODT with addition of N lines: See the line diagram. All this with only 10 pieces!
the scheme

Last edited 3 years ago by shankar ram
Marjan Kovačević
Marjan Kovačević
May 30, 2021 21:20
Reply to  shankar ram

Thanks, Shankar! Glad you like the mixing of “schools” of direct play and help-play!

shankar ram
shankar ram
May 30, 2021 22:21

There are some elements from other schools too!

  • Pin model mate in b)
  • Black correction
  • Interacting B/W lines
Marjan Kovačević
Marjan Kovačević
May 31, 2021 00:08
Reply to  shankar ram

I would rather avoid a pin-model in one phase only, but couldn’t. Luckily, there is another link between the mates: they both appear on the squares vacated by the twinning Rook.

Kjell Widlert
Kjell Widlert
May 31, 2021 23:20
Reply to  shankar ram

Very interesting strategy: Black must mate by interposing on a check line, so White’s checking piece must be pinned – but then Black’s pinner can capture instead of the desired mate by interposition. So Black’s mating piece must close the black pin-line in advance, turning it into a masked pin that is activated by the mating move.
The normal tactic is to have White pin Black’s pinner, but this is much more unusual (is it even new?!). Of course this has been set with an exchange of functions of the black pieces – but a white exchange of pin-based functions has been added too! And, as Shankar mentioned, all this with only 10 pieces – it’s very impressive!

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