Original Fairy problems
01.01.2022 - 30.06.2022
No. 1699 Borisas Gelpernas
original - 09.04.2022
black Rd3d8 Pb2g4h2g7 Bh3f8 Kh8 Sg8
white Kb5 Pe7
h#2 2 solutions 2+10
Breton Adverse
Breton Adverse
Solution: (click to show/hide)
The problem is sound without bRd3. Also, the only function of bBh3 is to stop 1.h1=Q exd8=S 2.Qh7 Sf7#. In fact, removing bRd3, bBh3 and bPb2 gives a more interesting problem, with solutions:
1.h1=Q exd8=S 2.Qh7 Sf7#
1.h1=R exf8=S 2.Rh7 Sg6#
You can also remove Pg4 in your version.