Award JF-2022/I (V.Crisan)

Award JF-2022/I (V.Crisan)

AWARD of Julia’s Fairies 2022-I
Informal Tournament (1.1.2022-30.6.2022)
Judge: Vlaicu Crişan

The overall quality of the tournament is rather high, as in the first draft of the award I retained more than half of the competing entries. Then I decided to change my approach and proceed in a different way by establishing the rank level for each composition:

  • Prize: Must be in the FIDE Album
  • Honorable Mention: Should be in the FIDE Album
  • Commendation: Could be in the FIDE Album

The prize winners stuck in my memory long time after viewing all the problems. All are simply outstanding pieces of work – clearly the best in their categories – and produce sheer enjoyment.

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March 19, 2024 00:07

Wonderfully detailed award. Excellent analysis and explanation of the thematic content. Enjoying the reading. Thanks Vlaicu.

Last edited 3 months ago by Seetharaman
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