Anticirce plus Circe in the defensive retractor

Anticirce plus Circe in the defensive retractor

Click to read the article in PDF, 5 pages

Günther Weeth (1935-2020) himself had prepared this translation of his article published in Die Schwalbe 306-2/2020. p.821 ff. in November 2020 in German language. We have made some small adaptions replacing examples 5&9 with new versions as the Schwalbe-originals had turned out to be incorrect. However the original source of those versions is “Die Schwalbe 2020, version 2021”.
K.Wenda, A.Thoma

…So far my first explorations in the ”new territories”.
I hope I could draw the attention of retro-experts on the combination AntiCirce + Circe inspiring them to continue my studies.
Günther Weeth /Stuttgart, November 2020/

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Paul Raican
February 19, 2021 22:16

In 8, 2.Kh2xBHg2(>Ke1) seems to be a shortcut.

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