Gligor Denkovski Memorial Tourney
To commemorate the 70th birthday of Gligor Denkovski (20 August 1946 – 15 January 2015), a formal composing tourney is announced in three sections.
Section A: Orthodox proof games, showing a combination of at least one typical retro theme and at least one theme or motif traditionally seen in other problem genres. Judge: Kostas Prentos.
Section B: Orthodox helpmate threemovers (h#2.5–3) with free theme. Judge: Nikola Predrag.
Section C: Orthodox selfmates (s#2–n) with free theme. Judge: Miodrag Mladenović.
Closing date for all sections is 31 March 2017.
Entries should be sent to Ivan Denkovski, email: denkovski@hotmail.com