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May, 2012Ideas with KoBul KingsI’d like to present you 4 fairy problems with KoBul Kings, all composed in 2012 for the KoBulChess-TT-2012 (see the Award at kobulchess.com – by Diyan Kostandinov, the innovator of KoBul Kings).
KoBul Kings – When a piece (not a pawn) of its own side is captured, a King transforms into a Royal piece of the same type as the captured one. When the King is in the form of any Royal piece and there is a capture of one of the pawns of its own side, it becomes a normal King again. Сaptures are illegal if their result is self-cheсk because of the transformation of the Кings according to KoBul rules. Castling is allowed only if the KoBul King is on its initial square in the form of a normal King and if it has not already moved; however it may already have been transformed. In the case of capture by a King in AntiCirce it reborns on its initial square and may castle. If the capture is by a King which is in the form of some Royal piece, it reborns on the initial square of that piece.
In the problems below I wanted to show the different ideas I’ve got after studying the examples of KoBul Kings. Few words about them:
- No.1 (h#2) – just 5 pieces and 2 solutions! The advantage of Kings’ transformation which gave more possibilities to the white King to attack and less possibilities to the black King to defend. Composed in less than an hour – the most “quick” problem I ever had. Light and easy.
- No.2 (hs#3) – the main thing I wanted to show was how the only possible defense of the white King – capture of the mating piece – fails because it transforms the black King into a piece which gives a check to the white King again.
- No.3 (h#2,5*) – another “paradoxical” situation with KoBul Kings: how the white pawn, which occupies the square, can guard this square? – normally impossible thing!
- No.4 (h#2,5) – joint problem with Petko A.Petkov, who’s helped me a lot with learning Locusts’ behaviour. The battery play and activity of the both KoBul Kings.
No.1 Julia Vysotska
1st Hon.mention
![]() KoBul Kings
I. 1.Sxa6(wK=rR)! Bd3 2.Ka3 rRxa6 (bK=rS)#
II. 1.Sxb5(wK=rB)! rBe3 2.Sa3 Rxa3 (bK=rS)#
Activity of both Kobul Kings:
– the phases of white King are changed with the Captures of white R and B; – the phases of black King are changed with the passive and active sacrifices of black S. 5-men problem – aristokrat with ideal mates. |
No. 2 Julia Vysotska
2nd Prize
![]() KoBul Kings
White Grasshopper d3
Black Leo c1
I. 1.Qd4 cxd4 [wrK=rQ] 2.rQd1 LEd2 3.Gd5 + LExd5 [wrQ=rG] #
– not 4.rGxd5(bK= brLE)?? – self-check!!
II.1.Qb3 cxb3 [wrK=rQ] 2.rQg3 LEe3 3.Ga3 + LExa3 [wrQ=rG] #
– not 4.rGxa3(bK= brLE)?? – self-check!!
Realization of the KoBul fairy condition with activity of the both KoBul Kings:
– Active phase of the white KoBul King after sacrifice of the white Q – transformation to the Royal Q, which moves to the mating positions.
– Passive phase of the white Kobul King on the mating move – transformation to the Royal G, which has no possible moves to avoid the mate.
– Passive phase of the black KoBul King – the only possible defense of the white King (in the Royal G phase) – capture of the mating piece (bLE) – fails because it transforms the black King into Royal LE piece giving the self-check.
Double Ambush – black (Le) + white (rQ);
Bristol theme – wG opens lines for the second moves of bLE; ODT; Model mates.
No.3 Julia Vysotska
![]() KoBul Kings
1… … 2.Sf7 f5 3.Bf4 rSxf4 [brK=rB] #
– not 4.rBxf3(wrS=wK)?? – self-check!! 1…rSd4 2.Sg4 rSf5 3.Bf6 fxg4 [brK=rS] #
– not 4.rSxf4(wrS=wK)?? – self-check!! –
The black King in the rB/rS phases can’t capture the white pawns f3/f4 because it transforms white rS into the King phase giving the self-check. Sacrifices of the black S/B with the transformation of the black King.
No. 4 Julia Vysotska & Petko A.Petkov
3rd Prize
![]() KoBul Kings
Rook locust d8; Bishop locust g8
Leo b1, g3
I. 1…LEd3 + 2.rLExd3 [wrK=rLE] rLEd7 3.rLEd6 rLExa7 [brLE=rK] #
II. 1…LEb3 + 2.rLExb3 [wrK=rLE] rLEf7 3.rLEe6 rLExf3 [brLE=rK] #
Activity of the both KoBul Kings:
– Sacrifice of the white LE to the black Royal LE changes the phase of the white King to rLE, then is created a WHITE BLACK Bristol LEO –LEO! – Battery play (direct and indirect) with the white King in LE phase with the simultaneous capturing of the black pawn for changing the phase of the black King from rLE to K and controlling the squares of the black King. –
The diagrams created at ankona – www.ankona.ch – prime site for organizing chess problems: diagram images, cataloging and solving interface.
This small KoBul selection is a very pleasant surprise on this site! My congratulations to Julia who demonstrates huge interest to this interesting new fairy condition!
№1. Fine miniature – aristocrat with surprising play, taking into consideration the limited material. Probably the idea to create a H#2,5 showing preliminary sacrifices by the white Rook and Bishop, here is impossible because of cooks!?
№2. A problem of very high class, probably – one of the most diamond works of Julia! It is a full surprise that such splendid and difficult thematics is possible to demonstrate with only 10 pieces and with model mates!
Here I want to note specially, that in this condition the sacrifice of white queen is very important “instrument” for realization of strangest and interesting combinations! It is not difficult to explain why these possibilities exist. After such Q-sacrifices, the white king which is ready to make very long “walks” on board – this super activity of the king means also difficulty of solving – it is not easy to “decode” such thematic! Of course, the double ambush here is an excellent part of the contents! In my opinion, it is also possible to speak about Bristol here, but with the addition that it is of “special kind”.
A recommendation to future authors, who would want to develop similar thematic complexes: try to sacrifice also the black Queen! In this case, certainly, you can activate the black King maximally!
A very interesting idea – the double sacrifice of white and black Queens which leads, of course, to “atomic” activity of both Kings! Till now such problems are not known to me.
If we speak about sacrifices of queens, it is needed to accent, that such sacrifices is possible to realize as “active sacrifices” (thematic piece makes a move) and as “passive sacrifices” – the Queen doesn’t play – it is captured on any square.
As a conclusion: studying this super problem, you can see many ideas and motives which could apply in yours own compositions, not only in HS# genre!
№3. – It is not easy to speak about a Co-problem… I would tell only that this problem with Julia we had to compose very quickly – both were short of time at that moment. Here thematic is sufficiently interesting and difficult, but a better version is possible probably. But it is not clear when we can improve our composition, because this work obviously is not easy.
The reader here can see a mixed Bristol which in thematic aspect probably is cleaner than in analogical combination in №2. In this aspect №3 can be also a good example for the future work on this theme.
№4. Also an interesting miniature, through not in a big format. Here is also an interesting and specific for this condition motive – the capture of white Pawn is impossible, because it provokes immediately change of phase of white King with a “Self-check” motivation! This small at first sight idea seems very fruitful, in combination with other motives of course.
Dear Petko! Thank you very much for the good words and for all recommendations! (about this post and about my problems in “Original Problems” as well). Actually, for all the other comments as well, as all of them are something to learn from.
About KoBul Kings.. Honestly, I had no interest to this condition at the moment, when started to think about Diyan’s tourney KoBulChess-TT-2012. But the fact was: I wanted to win in case of participation. So, tried to do my best in studying this condition. And started to like it a lot from the very beginning of composing with it. I didn’t expect it myself.
But now I’d suggest KoBul Kings for everyone to try – it is really something enjoyable! And as much you work with it, as much of new ideas are coming…
Problem 2 is really great ! Just three pieces other than the kings. Such intricate patterns with WK taking active part. Good advertisement for Fairy chess !
Very good selection of KoBul Kings problems. Well done Julia! It is visible from the award of KoBulChess TT 2012 that in my opinion the top problem from this selection is n.2 – great composition with very rich thematic play and good using of the fairy condition.
About Petkov’s note: “A very interesting idea – the double sacrifice of white and black Queens which leads, of course, to “atomic” activity of both Kings! Till now such problems are not known to me.” I have problem of this kind – with active sacrifices of white Queen and Ideal mates with black Queen sacrifice, but impossible to be captured because of specific KoBul Kings effect – it was my “Danka Petkova MT 2012” Special Prize problem (the award of the tourney is on the following link: http://kobulchess.com/en/tournaments/awards/66-danka-petkova-90-mt-award.html ). But yes – if both Queens are sacrificed with active play by both Kings – this will be “atomic” play, which I believe is possible to be realised…