Juraj, you talked about moderation and circumstances and "...some standards that usually better be respected...". Here I never wanted to…
On No.1688 (AG&DP)
Juraj, thanks for bringing aspects up such as "...there are some standards that usually better be respected otherwise...", or "...can…
On No.1688 (AG&DP)
With all due respect, Juraj, I don't quite agree with you. "...Free thinking in fairy chess is more than welcome. ..."…
On No.1688 (AG&DP)
Now we are at the core of the interpretation! According to Codex FN 18 a PWC or Strict Circe composition…
On No.1688 (AG&DP)
(Remark: After retirement now I'm more or less a VERY interested newcomer to problem/fairy/retro-chess with almost no background in orthodox…
On No.1688 (AG&DP)
with black pawns on e7 and f7 it is mars-circe legal and it works - C+ I agree with Juraj,…
On No.1688 (AG&DP)
I would think the diagram is illegal! In Marscirce a capturing stone is reborn BEFORE capturing. An orthodox pawn here…
On No.1688 (AG&DP)
A wonderful twin presentation of Equipollents Anticirce!
On No.1695 (CJF)
Apart from my former comment concerning the alleged "priority" issue, there is another issue to be discussed! Even though you…
On No.1687 (CJF)
It seems important to mention that the inventor of take&make (Laue) did NOT express priority over ANY other FAIRY condition…
On No.1687 (CJF)