Bei Punkt 2) ist der Vollständigkeit halber hinzuzufügen, daß die Zugangsbereiche eines Königs im speziellen Fall einer Rochade, die ja…
On No.1739 (MR)
I am sorry that I failed to find the right words to make you understand my concept of capture &…
On No.1739 (MR)
A scholarly article worthy of its author with so many excellent examples. Seems like written by T.R.Dawson!
On FCCP: April 2023 Update!
If you wish to learn from the best, I'll not delay you further from your goal, except to say that,…
On No.1739 (MR)
Err, I meant to say: Second check: if white were on the move, could wQ at a3 capture bQ at…
On No.1739 (MR)
In Mars Circe + Isardam, the position was illegal before the move. First test: if black were on the move,…
On No.1739 (MR)
Please see my reply from April 18 to your other post above to evaluate the concept of scopes!
On No.1739 (MR)
I would go one step beyond what Joost says. Let X be a position, let S be the side to…
On No.1739 (MR)
wPa4 + bPb3 is already illegal in Isardam, because square b3 is within the capturing scope of Pa4, so there…
On No.1739 (MR)
I explicitly wanted you to replace only one Q by a R to illuminate the different outcome of that “spatial…
On No.1739 (MR)