No.418, 418.1 Warm welcome to Eugene in Original Problems section of Julia’s Fairies! |
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No.418 by Eugene Rosner – Аn interesting problem with not yet programmed paradoxical fairy condition Alsatian Circe! Welcome to Eugene‘s first publication in Original Problems section of Julia’s Fairies! (JV)
No.418.1 by Eugene Rosner – A revised version of problem No.418, with the author’s foreword: “What’s nice is that there is now a dual-avoidance in the first variation that takes advantage of the removed knight. A bP is retreated one square and the move PxS is not allowed by the Alsatian stipulation. It is actually a thematic element of the problem. This setting looks optimal“ (JV)
Alsatian Circe: A Circe where a capture is not allowed if the resulting position is illegal under the rules of orthodox chess.
Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same color in the case of pieces, on the file of capture in the case of pawns, and on the promotion square of the file of capture in the case of fairy pieces. If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal.
No.418 Eugene Rosner
original – 10.11.2013
![]() #2 (7+11) C-
Alsatian Circe Solution: (click to show/hide)
No.418.1 Eugene Rosner
Version of No.418 – 12.11.2013
![]() #2 (7+10) C-
Alsatian Circe Solution: (click to show/hide)
It is quite unlikely that Alsatian could be reasonably programmed in the foreseeable future as it per definition implies ability to check legality of the position.
Nice specific motivation of play.
But this was one of the earliest circe variants.. if i remember correctly..
1981 I believe! I just haven’t seen much work done with this in the directmate….
a lot of early work in Alsatian Circe was done in helpmate form
It is really a retro, as without retro content it is regular circe !
and Circe is still fairy! There is a good-deal more Circe effects than retro effects here so I think it fits better in a fairy column. I remember seeing a Michel Caillaud #2 in Barry Barnes Problemist 32 column from 1983. It had an e.p. key with rather extended retro content but the changed play from set was magnificent. A real 32 with a nice amount of retroanalysis !
Nice problem Mr.Rosner ! My comment was about the fairy condition Alsatian Circe. I meant that this Circe condition itself is all about adding retro analysis to Circe.
Many thanks Kalyan-
It’s an interesting predicament to figure out whether a fairy-retro is more fairy or more retro. I wonder if PCCC has ever addressed this!
The variation 1…PxQ 2.Qh5# does take advantage of the bP-pinning, for Black’s potential capture to the right is legal and Black-friendly. The wR which makes the key and threat participates here as well.
It’s very nice combination of “Alsatian” threat (due to illegal fxg6)+”anti -Alsatian” defences (which legalize fxg6) and the mates after the Circe-rebirth.
After 1. Rf6, the dualistic threat 2.Sf5+? Kh5! is prevented by a flight-unguard. The rebirth effect of 1…exd3 removes that prevention but corrects it by “anti-Alsatian” legalization of 2.Sf5+? exf5!. A nice tensive change of a dual-preventing motif.
Alsatian Circe was invented by Jean Zeller in 1980 (see feenschach 49/1980)