No.497 |
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No.497 by Newman Guttman – Echo play with a use of a uncommon fairy piece Equihopper at 90º. I’d like to mention also that this piece exists in WinChloe only and by its behavior it looks as it might be called in English a Non-stop Equihopper at 90º. (JV)
Andernach Chess: A piece (excluding King) changes its color after any capturing move. Rooks on a1, h1, a8 and h8 can be used for castling, provided the usual other rules for that move are satisfied.
Equihopper at 90º (WinChloe’s version): Moves like a Non-stop Equihopper but deflects 90° either way on passing over the hurdle.
Non-Stop Equihopper (NE): Moves along any line over another unit of either colour to a square situated such that the hurdle stands at the mid-point between the Equihopper’s departure and arrival squares. The English (standard) Equihopper cannot pass over an obstruction other than the hurdle when playing along Queen-lines. The non-stop/French Equihopper does not have this restriction.
No.497 Newman Guttman
original – 04.02.2014
![]() Andernach Equihopper 90º h7 Solutions: (click to show/hide)
Very symmetrical setting. Are two black bishops really necessary?
Also, for me the construction simply asks for Zilahi (even if mates will not be ideal/model).
For example, something like this is possible:
1.Be5 Sc6 2.E90dxc6(W) Se6‡
1.Bd4 Se8 2.E90dxe8(W) Sg6‡
It took a while to see how the E90 gets to e8! A great improvement, I think, with Zilahi instead of symmetry.
Even “classic” Zilahi (setplay+solution) is possible
1…Sd8 2.E90dxd8(W) Sf6‡
1.Bd5 Sb6 2.E90dxb6(W) Sd6‡
A very clever thematic extrapolation by Georgy Evseev from a one-wS symmetric to a two-wS Zilahi, where each S is captured in turn. Ochen khorosho. Georgy questions whether the two bB are necessary in the original: yes, this is perhaps the only economical orthodox-piece way to hold squares e5 and f4. Zilahi aficionados are happy; symmetry aficionados, if any, are disappointed :-).