Definitions: (click to show/hide)
Relegation Chess (Degradation): In addition to promotion of pawns to pieces, pieces (Q,R,B,S) arriving back on their pawns’ home rank are “relegated” – changed back to pawns. (OR: If a piece (not King or Pawns) reaches the Pawns’ starting rank of the same side, it changes to a pawn).
Blockade: A piece can only capture a piece of the same nature or a King.
No.1011 Sébastien Luce France original – 21.02.2016
Solution: (click to show/hide)
white Pa2
black Ka1 Pf7d6h5c4g2h2
ser-=27 (1+7) Degradation
1.a2-a4 2.a4-a5 3.a5-a6 4.a6-a7 5.a7-a8=B 6.Ba8*g2=P 7.g2-g4 {
} 8.g4*h5 9.h5-h6 10.h6-h7 11.h7-h8=R 12.Rh8*h2=P 13.h2-h4 14.h4-h5 {
} 15.h5-h6 16.h6-h7 17.h7-h8=S 18.Sh8*f7 19.Sf7*d6 20.Sd6*c4 21.Sc4-b2=P {
} 22.b2-b4 23.b4-b5 24.b5-b6 25.b6-b7 26.b7-b8=Q 27.Qb8-b3 {=
(C+ by WinChloe 3.33 and Popeye 4.73)}
The most economical AUW in Degradation only. (Author)
No.1012 Sébastien Luce France original – 21.02.2016
Solution: (click to show/hide)
White Kg8 Pc2
Black Kh6 Qf5 Bb1 Sf2
ser-=30 (2+4) Degradation Blockade
1.c2-c4 2.c4-c5 3.c5-c6 4.c6-c7 5.c7-c8=Q 6.Qc8*f5 7.Qf5-c2=P {
} 8.c2-c4 9.c4-c5 10.c5-c6 11.c6-c7 12.c7-c8=B 13.Bc8-f5 14.Bf5*b1 15.Bb1-c2=P {
} 16.c2-c4 17.c4-c5 18.c5-c6 19.c6-c7 20.c7-c8=S 21.Sc8-d6 22.Sd6-e4 23.Se4*f2=P {
} 24.f2-f4 25.f4-f5 26.f5-f6 27.f6-f7 28.f7-f8=R 29.Rf8-f5 30.Rf5-g5{=
(C+ by WinChloe 3.33; "Blockade" is implemented in WinChloe only)}
The idea was already exploited in the n°36499 of Winchloe but with one piece more, and here there is a typical Blockade stalemate.
White : Kb8 Pa2
Black : Kd8 Qe4 Kc4 Bd5 Sb4
Ryszard NOJEK
19° R.R. Problemkiste 1999
3° Place
sd=32 (2+5) C+
5.a8=S 6.Sc7 7.Sa6 8.S×b4 9.Sa2(P) 14.a8=R 15.Ra4 16.R×c4 17.Ra4 18.Ra2(P) 23.a8=B 24.B×d5 25.Ba2(P) 30.a8=Q 31.Q×e4 32.Qe6=
ad 1011)
ad 1012)
zum Anschauen/Vergleich ein weiterer 6-Steiner:
Dear Erich, the following problem is cooked :
White : Kd3 Pc2
Black : Kh1 Rg2 Bf3 Se4
Ryszard NOJEK
Problemkiste 1999
sd=29 (2+4) C-
cooked in 27 : 5.c8=B 6.Bg4 7.B×f3 8.Bd1 9.Bc2(P) 14.c8=R 15.Rg8 16.R×g2(P) 21.g8=S 22.Sf6 23.S×e4 24.Sg5 25.Sf3 26.Ke2 27.Kf1=…
Dear Sebastien,
many thanks for the info with cook to Nojek’s problem. I
made a note of it in PDB.