Julia's Fairies

No.1013 (AL)

Alex Levit


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Definitions: (click to show/hide)

No.1013 Alex Levit

original – 25.02.2016

Solution: (click to show/hide)

white Kd1 black Kc5 Bb4 Pe6

-19 & #1    Proca Retractor      (1+3)

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Vlaicu Crisan
Vlaicu Crisan
February 26, 2016 06:40

To my current knowledge, this is a task: the longest Proca Retractor AntiCirce Wenigsteiner. The previous record (18 moves) was held by Paul Raican.

The black King far away from of the edge of the chessboard seems to be a novelty in this kind of problems. Andreas Thoma was the first composer who successfully realized Proca Retractor AntiCirce in Wenigsteiner with bK not initially placed on the edge.

Here, thanks to a draw pendulum, the bK is decoyed to the edge of the board. As typical in this kind of compositions, white needs to employ several successive preparatory plans in order to reach its objective.

A truly outstanding achievement, which will hopefully become a candidate for the WJP 2016 selection!

Juraj Lörinc
Juraj Lörinc
May 28, 2017 16:06
Reply to  Vlaicu Crisan

And as I have just found out, there is longer Wenigsteiner Proca retractor in existence, by AL too:

Alex Levit
Problem Paradise I-III/2016
dedicated to Vlaicu Crisan
Kf1 Ph5
Kb1 Sf1
-21 & #1, Proca Retractor

Is there any information about possible cooks available, please?

Paul Raican
August 4, 2021 21:35
Reply to  Juraj Lörinc

Meanwhile, Alex Levit has the record with 23 moves, PP74/2016, Ke1/Ka2 Pe2 Pg5, Proca Anticirce -23 & #1

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