Definitions: (click to show/hide)
Pressburger King (Super-Transmuting King): King which definitively takes up the nature of the checking piece (and thus loses his royal status). (OR: After being checked, the Super-transmuting King must immediately move like the checking piece and then losing his royal status definitively takes up his nature. When no such move is available, the ST-King side parries the check normally. If the checked King cannot move, it is a mate.)
Bishop-Locust (BL): (1,1) Locust. Moves along Bishop lines only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant.
Royal piece: Piece that executes a function of the King on the board.
Annan Chess: If two pieces of the same colour are standing close to each other in N-S-direction, the front piece moves only like the rear piece as long as the contact is existing. The front piece is that piece that is closer to the own promotion line. White/Black Pawns on the 1st/8th rank cannot move, but can give their kind of moving to a front piece. Officers moving with the power of a Pawn to the promotion line do not promote; if they make a double-step with the power of a Pawn, they cannot be captured en-passant; but officers with the power of a Pawn can capture a Pawn en-passant.
No.1077 Karol Mlynka Slovakia original – 24.05.2016
Solution: (click to show/hide)
white Ka3
black royal LBe8
black Pb7
#5 (1+2) White Super-Transmuting King Royal Bishop-Locust e8
1.Ka3-b3 ? zugzwang.
1...b7-b5 !
1.Ka3-b4 ? {A} threat:
1...b7-b6 ! {a}
1.Ka3-a4 ! threat:
2.Ka4-a5 zugzwang.
3.Ka5-b6 threat:
4.Kb6-c7 threat:
5.Kc7-d8 #
2...b7-b6 +
3.Ka5-a6=P threat:
4.a6-a7 threat:
5.a7-a8=Q #
5.a7-a8=R #
1...b7-b6 {a}
2.Ka4-b4 {A} zugzwang.
3.Kb4-c5 threat:
4.Kc5-d6 threat:
5.Kd6-e7 # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
Tries with different refutations of b.Pb7.
Key allowing check and transformation into Pawn.
Vladimirov paradox and two royal mates.
Rex solus in Three men problem.
(Note: Cooked by normal King!) (Author)
No.1078 Karol Mlynka Slovakia original – 24.05.2016
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
White Pd5 Kf5 Bh1
Black Ra8 Ke8 Pa7 Pe7 Pg7 Pd6
h#3 2 solutions (3+6) White Super-Transmuting King
1.e7-e6+? Kf5*e6=P!
1.e7-e5 d5*e6 ep. 2.0-0-0 e6-e7 3.Kc8-b8 e7*d8=Q #
1.g7-g6 + Kf5*g6=P 2.Ra8-d8 g6-g7 3.Rd8-d7 g7-g8=Q # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
Valladao theme with transformation of Pressburger King. (Author)
No.1079 Karol Mlynka Slovakia original – 24.05.2016
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
White Pb5 Ke4 Pf3
Black Pa7 Pb7 Pf7 Kb6 Pe5 Pf4
ser-h#6 2 solutions (3+6) White Super-Transmuting King Annan Chess
1.a7-a5 2.a5-a4 3.a4-a3 4.a3-a2 5.a2-a1=R 6.Ra1-e1 + Ke4-b4=R #
1.a7-a6 2.a6*b5 3.b5-b4 4.b4-b3 5.b3-b2 6.b2-b1=Q + Ke4*b1=Q # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
2-fold Excelsior of b. Pa7 with different promotions in a Kindergarten problem. (Author)
1078 is nice with two related solutions… but idle WB in one solution is difficult to digest.
In 1079, it is a fairy condition which is idle in the second solution !
It seems to me, that both fairy conditions are necessary in each solution of 1079. No solution without Annan Chess or Pressburger king!.
I am sorry. You are right of course. Black king has too many flight squares but for Annan condition.