Definitions: (click to show/hide)
Super Pawn(SP): Moves straight forwards and captures diagonally forwards through as many empty squares as desired. Promotion is normal.
Grasshopper(G): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
Giraffe(GI): (1,4) Leaper.
Locust(L): Moves along Queen lines only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant.
Nightrider(N): (1,2) Rider. Operates along straight lines with squares lying a Knight’s move away from each other.
Dummy(DU): A piece which cannot move.
No.1119 Krassimir Gandev Bulgaria original – 27.08.2016
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
white Kg5 Rc1e8 Bb7 Pb3 La6 Gif7 Nc4 SPa3g2 Duc3d5e4e5
black Kd4 Pa7e2g6 Gd7
h#2 7 solutions (14+5) Locust a6 Giraffe f7 Nightrider c4 Super Pawn a3, g2 Dummy c3, d5, e4, e5 Grasshopper d7
1.e2-e1=S Nc4-d6 2.Se1-d3 Nd6-b5 #
1.e2-e1=R Nc4-d2 2.Re1*e4 Nd2-f3 #
1.e2-e1=B Nc4-e3 2.Be1*c3 Ne3-c2 #
1.e2-e1=G Nc4-a8 2.Ge1*e5 Na8-e6 #
1.e2-e1=GI Nc4-a5 2.GIe1*d5 Na5-c6 #
1.e2-e1=L Nc4-b2 2.Le1*c3-b4 Rc1-c4 #
1.Kd4-d3 Re8-h8 2.Gd7-d4 Rh8-h3 # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
Inresting additions to the well-known first three solutions. Last two solutions seem unnecessary to me.