Definitions: (click to show/hide)
Triton(TR): (0,1) Marine. Marine piece operating along Rook lines: without capture moves as Rook, with capture – as Locust – arriving on the square immediately beyond captured unit, which must be vacant.
Marine Knight(MS): Moves as Knight provided destination is vacant, captures an enemy on (1,2) by a leap to (2,4) – which again must be vacant.
Poseidon(PO): The Marine King is named “Poseidon”. The Poseidon moves like a King when not capturing, and captures adjacent pieces like a Locust – arriving on the square immediately beyond captured unit, which must be vacant.
No.1160 Stephan Dietrich
original – 27.11.2016
Solution: (click to show/hide)
white TRf4 MSg5 POg7
black POh8
#4 (3+1)
Triton f4
Marine Knight g5
Poseidon g7, h8
1.POg7-f6 ! threat:
2.TRf4-h4 threat:
3.POf6-g6 zugzwang.
4.TRh4-h8 #
3.TRh4-h8 +
3...POg8-g7 +
4.POf6-g6 # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
Why a marine knight on g5? A pawn works just as well.
hm… you are right. g5 is only used a block the black poseidon,so it can be pawn. perhaps the composer wanted an all marine board !
Something is wrong with my perception of the essential features of the position. Not only about White in check, but about how Black could have delivered that check.
After that, the bizarre Popeye’s “solution”, illegally skipping B1, looks as a minor issue.
black could have captured a white piece from h6 to h8.
I am sorry…. from h6 white is already in check.
In the given solution, the first line (with missing moves) is the threat. The full solution is:
1.POf6! POg8,POh7 2.TRh4 POh8 3.POg6 POg8 4.TRh8#
2…POg8,POf8 3.TRh8+ POg7+ 4.POg6#
Threat is a real variation AFTER some irrelevant random MOVE. No move, no variation and no real threat since it’s simply impossible.
Is it a no solution after 1…POg8 2.TRh4? POh8! 3.TRh3? POg8! 4.TRh8+?
2…POh8 3. POg6
oh… got it. It should have been given as variation.
I find it quite sad that there is long discussion below almost worthless composition, while many worthy problems remain without any comment from readers.
The “almost” worthless composition is not a chess-composition at all in the first place, as being a nonsense with regards to the Chess.
The discussion is by far TOO SHORT with regards to the serious recent increase of nonsense everywhere.
But who cares!? 🙁