Definition: (click to show/hide)
Anti-Circe Couscous Cheylan: The capturing piece reappears on the Circe rebirth square of the captured one (R, B & S go to the square of the same colour as the capture; Ps stay on the file of capture; fairy pieces go to the promotion square of the file of capture). If this square is occupied, the capture is forbidden. Captures on rebirth squares are not allowed.
No.1169 Pierre Tritten
original – 17.12.2016
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
White Kc5 Rc2 Rf2 Sd2 Se2
Black Kd8 Bf3 Sb4 Sd1 Pf6 Pc3
h#2 4 solutions (5+6)
Anti-Circe Couscous Cheylan
1.c3*d2[bPd2->g1=S] Rf2*f3[wRf3->c8] + 2.Kd8*c8[bKc8->h1] Se2-g3 #
1.Sb4*c2[bSc2->h1] Se2*c3[wSc3->c7] 2.Kd8*c7[bKc7->g1] Rf2-g2 #
1.Sd1*f2[bSf2->a1] Sd2*f3[wSf3->c8] 2.Kd8*c8[bKc8->b1] Rc2-b2 #
1.Bf3*e2[bBe2->b1] Rc2*c3[wRc3->c7] 2.Kd8*c7[bKc7->a1] Sd2-b3 # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
- Fourfold cyclic Zilahi
- Cyclic interchange of function between white pieces (passive sacrifice for self-blocking black piece / specific sacrifice for black King / passive anticipatory guard / mate)
- Chameleon echo model mates
Incredible Pierre, you find a new version to this Zilahi 4 sol. Congratulations !
The problem has actually quite high degree of unwelcome symmetry between pairs of solutions II and III, as well as I and IV. The only nonsymmetrical element is pair of rebirth squares c7 an c8. This does not detract from quality of one ordinary Zilahi pair, e.g. solutions I and III, but overall impression of 4 solutions is affected, in my view.