white kc8 se7g6 qh4 pg4 bf2b1 rb3d6
black ke4 pf4f3c2c6b6 qna4 rc5 bb2
#2 (9+9)
Quintessence a4
1.Qh4-g3 ! threat:
2.Qg3*f3 #
2.Bb1*c2 # {
(2. Rd4#? self-check)
This is a standard case of the interfering unit (quintessence)
preventing the dual mate that would arise by interfering
with the bishop.}
2.Rd6-d4 # {
(2. Qxf4+? QNxf4!)
This time, although the rook interferes with the quintessence to close
the line a4-c3-d5-f4, it opens another line (a4-c5-d3-f4) to give back
the same defense.}
2.Qg3*f4 # {
(2. Bxc2+? QNd3!)
The bishop interferes with the rook, but opens a line of guard from
the quintessence.}
2.Rb3-e3 # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
Triple Grimshaw with dual avoidance. The quintessence provides all the dual avoidance moves, which are qualitatively distinct. (Author)
Sorry, but in my view this is not triple avoidance, rather cyclical dual avoidance.
E.g. defence 1…Rc3 carries two errors, closing of QN and B lines. One of them is (QN closing) compensated for by opening additional line, i.e. avoided.
The same is true for each thematical move to c3 – two lines are closed, one closing is neutralized by additional dual avoidance effects.
In this case, the triple avoidance would be shown e.g. by three other pieces moving to c3, with all three lines properly closed and each move avoiding two of mates.
Quintessence=Knight ZigZag in Winchloe !
A much better name to understand the piece !
Beautiful triple avoidance (a dummy piece on c3 would allow 3 mates). 1…QNc3 pins the wRd6, while the other defences open lines of the bQN.
Sorry, but in my view this is not triple avoidance, rather cyclical dual avoidance.
E.g. defence 1…Rc3 carries two errors, closing of QN and B lines. One of them is (QN closing) compensated for by opening additional line, i.e. avoided.
The same is true for each thematical move to c3 – two lines are closed, one closing is neutralized by additional dual avoidance effects.
In this case, the triple avoidance would be shown e.g. by three other pieces moving to c3, with all three lines properly closed and each move avoiding two of mates.