Nightrider (N): (1,2) Rider. Operates along straight lines with squares lying a Knight’s move away from each other.
LEO (LE): Chinese Queen. Moves as Queen, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.
Lion (LI): Moves along Queen lines over another unit of either color to any square beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
Contra-grasshopper (CG): Moves like a G but in reverse: the hurdle must be adjacent to the CG, which may land anywhere on the line beyond. (Grasshopper (G): Moves along Q-lines over another unit of either color to the square immediately beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.)
No.1187Francesco Simoni Italy original – 11.02.2017
white Kc8 Nf8 LEc7 LIe7 Pb3d2f2d6
black Ke4 Sd5d8 Bd3 Re5 Qf6 CGe6 Pb4f3g4f5c6
h#2 b) bRe6 (8+12)
LEO c7 ; Lion e7
Nightrider f8
Contra-Grasshopper e6
1.Ke4-f4 Nf8-b6 2.CGe6-e3 d2*e3 #
b) +bRe6
1.Ke4-d4 LEc7-d7 2.Re5-e3 f2*e3 # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.75)}
Direct pins of the same unit (bSd5), with the bK that moves on different squares and
change of the pinning piece; black sacrifices in the same square (e3) to allow one of
two pawns to mate; double pin mates. wNf8 and wLEc7 alternates in moving to pin
d5 or to pin one of the pieces in column e. One of these pieces in turn, is pinned,
while the other moves in B2 to allow the pawn mate.
No hopper would guard e3 after 2…Re3, so the twin form is necessary. In a) the presence of a hopper in e6 prevents the move 1… LEd7; in b) the Re6 guards e3 in mate, but it’s pinned by the Nf8. (Author)