Georgy Evseev

Original Fairy problems
October’2017 – March’2018
Definitions: (click to show/hide)
Leo (LE): Chinese Queen. Moves as Queen, but captures only by hopping over a hurdle to any square beyond.
Camel (CA): (1,3) Leaper.
Giraffe (GI): (1,4) Leaper.
No.1238 Georgy Evseev
original – 02.10.2017
Dedicated to the Baltic Sea
Solutions: (click to show/hide)
White Kc1 Se8 LEg4 GIa7
Black Ke7 Qc8 Bd8 Sf8g8 CAc6
Neutral Ph7
h#2 3 solutions (4+6+1)
Leo g4; Giraffe a7; Camel c6
1.Ke7-f7 LEg4-h5 2.Bd8-e7 nPh7-h8=nS #
1.Qc8-d7 LEg4-h4 2.CAc6-f7 nPh7-h8=nCA #
1.Ke7-d7 LEg4-h3 2.Sg8-e7 nPh7-h8=nGI # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.79)}
Triple anti-pin mates with echo effects and promotion model mates. (Author)
Excellent unity in the three solutions. This is a nice alternative to blocking the escape square of the neutral mating piece !!