Locust(L): Moves along Queen lines only by capturing an enemy unit, arriving on the square immediately beyond that unit, which must be vacant.
Nightrider-Locust(LN): Moves like Locust, but on Nightrider lines only. (Nightrider(N): (1,2) Rider. Operates along straight lines with squares lying a Knight’s move away from each other.)
Sirene(SI): Marine Queen. Moves as a Queen but captures only as a Locust.
No.1250Mario Parrinello &
Ofer Comay Italy / Israel original – 19.11.2017
1.SId6*f6-g6 nSId2-e2 + 2.SIf2-e3 + nSIc5*e3-f2 #
b) wLNe7-->g7
1.SIf2*g3-h4 nSIc5-c6 + 2.SId6-d5 + nSId2*d5-d6 #{
(C+ by Popeye 4.79)}
The problem below was inspired by Mario’s 8th Prize in StrateGems 2015. I judged this tourney and Mario’s problem showing double checkmate with Sirenes and Marine attracted my attention.
This version shows similar mates like in the original problem, but here the Marine is replaced by Nightrider-Locusts and the strategy is different.
The aristocrat problem below shows battery destruction in the first move, Umnov in the last, and dual avoidance using the checks to the white king. There is also “half Zilahi” – in one solution the first move
captures one of the pieces that participate in the double checkmate of the other solution. (Ofer Comay)