Argentinian Chess pieces: Loco (Lo): the Argentinian Bishop, moves by hopping diagonally over a hurdle on any arbitrary square behind it, captures like an ordinary Bishop. Faro (Fa): the Argentinian Rook, moves by hopping orthogonally over a hurdle on any arbitrary square behind it, captures like an ordinary Rook. Senora (Se): the Argentinian Queen, Loco+Faro, moves by hopping diagonally/orthogonally over a hurdle on any arbitrary square behind it, captures like an ordinary Queen. Saltador (Sa): the Argentinian Knight, moves like a MOA hopper + MAO hopper and captures like an ordinary MOA+MAO (MOA(MO): The Chinese knight, which is a Rider, moving along a bent line to the arrival square of a normal Knight, first diagonally then orthogonally. The MOA can be interfered with on the intervening square. MAO(MA): The Chinese knight, which is a Rider, moving along a bent line to the arrival square of a normal Knight, first orthogonally then diagonally. The Mao can be interfered with on the intervening square.).
Argentinian Chess: Like ordinary chess, where all pieces are replaced by their Argentinian counter parts and pawns promote to Argentinian chess pieces. All other rules are as usual (castling, ep, …)
Argentinian pieces and Argentinian Chess implemented in Popeye 4.75. Thanks to Thomas Maeder!
Why Argentinian?
The answer is in the geographic location: What is the antipode location to China? It is Argentina! And so is Argentian chess, the antipode to Chinese chess (Leo, Pao, Vao, Mao…)
No.1268Hubert Gockel Germany original – 20.01.2018
Nice development of basic scheme LOa1, SEe1, Sd1 with defences Be5 and Sf4 line closing. It was crucial to find various ways of exploting different placement of white knight. Z-26-6(10) is rather difficult theme, and the construction seems very good.
Nice development of basic scheme LOa1, SEe1, Sd1 with defences Be5 and Sf4 line closing. It was crucial to find various ways of exploting different placement of white knight. Z-26-6(10) is rather difficult theme, and the construction seems very good.
Well done!