Circe: Captured units (not Ks) reappear on their game-array squares, of the same colour in the case of pieces, on the file of capture in the case of pawns, and on the promotion square of the file of capture in the case of fairy pieces. If the rebirth square is occupied the capture is normal.
Anti-Circe: After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). Captures on the rebirth square are allowed. Game array squares are determined as in Circe.
No.1313Armin Geister &
Daniel Papack Germany original – 07.08.2018 In memoriam Grigorij Golin
Deep and subtle strategy integrated in the specific fairy effects with analogous and reciprocal solutions.
We would like to dedicate our work in memory of Grigorij Golin. Our chess friend was born in Riga (1921) and
lived in Berlin for many years. We think that a Latvian magazine (resp. website) is the best place to commemorate
him twenty-five years after his death. (Authors)
Beautiful strategy and motivation for the first two moves. I like it very much
Geoff Foster
August 8, 2018 01:46
In the first solution the immediate 1.Rxc4-h1(+bPc7)+? fails for two reasons: (1) Black could play 1…cxb2-b7(+wRa1)!, which doesn’t check the wK because c7 is occupied; (2) Black could play 1…Sxb2-b8(+wRa1)+!, after which 2.dxe4-e2(+bSg8) removes the check to the wK. Therefore play must begin with 1.Be2 (preventing 3.dxe4) and 1…Rb7 (preventing 2…cxb2).
In the second solution the immediate 1.Rxe4-h1(+bSg8)+? fails for two reasons: (1) Black could play 1…Sxb2-b8(+wRa1)!, which doesn’t check the wK because g8 is occupied; (2) Black could play 1…cxb2-b7(+wRa1)+!, after which 2.dxc4-c2(+bPc7) removes the check to the wK. Therefore play must begin with 1.Bc2 (preventing 3.dxc4) and 1…Rb8 (preventing 2…Sxb2).
Beautiful strategy and motivation for the first two moves. I like it very much
In the first solution the immediate 1.Rxc4-h1(+bPc7)+? fails for two reasons: (1) Black could play 1…cxb2-b7(+wRa1)!, which doesn’t check the wK because c7 is occupied; (2) Black could play 1…Sxb2-b8(+wRa1)+!, after which 2.dxe4-e2(+bSg8) removes the check to the wK. Therefore play must begin with 1.Be2 (preventing 3.dxe4) and 1…Rb7 (preventing 2…cxb2).
In the second solution the immediate 1.Rxe4-h1(+bSg8)+? fails for two reasons: (1) Black could play 1…Sxb2-b8(+wRa1)!, which doesn’t check the wK because g8 is occupied; (2) Black could play 1…cxb2-b7(+wRa1)+!, after which 2.dxc4-c2(+bPc7) removes the check to the wK. Therefore play must begin with 1.Bc2 (preventing 3.dxc4) and 1…Rb8 (preventing 2…Sxb2).