Royal piece: Piece that executes a function of the King on the board.
Neutral piece: Belongs to whichever side chooses to use it. It can therefore be moved or captured by White or Black, and in Circe it is reborn according to capture. A King may not be moved onto a square controlled by a neutral piece, because of self-check.
Rose-lion (RN): Moves along Rose lines (extends the move of the Knight on a circular path e.g. a4-b6-d7-f6-g4-f2-d1-b2 or a4-c5-e4-f2) over another unit of either color to any square beyond that unit. A capture may be made on arrival, but the hurdle is not affected.
Madrasi: Units, other than Kings, are paralysed when they attack each other. Paralysed units cannot move, capture or give check, their only power being that of causing paralysis.
No.1348Ivan Skoba Czech Republic original – 26.11.2018
ser-#6 (1+1+2)
Royal Rose-lion b6, c5
Neutral pawns c4, d2 b) ser-=6 after shift a1->b1
1.rRNb6-b2 2.rRNb2-e5 3.rRNe5-a5 4.rRNa5-g5 5.nPd2-d4 6.rRNg5-c1 #
b) shift a1 ==> b1
1.rRNc6-f3 2.rRNf3-b3 3.rRNb3-e6 4.rRNe6-a2 5.rRNa2-g2 6.nPe2-e4 = {
(C+ by Popeye 4.79)}
Time waiting with neutral Pawns and Madrasi condition using different final positions for
checkmate and stalemate. Move 1.nPd2-d4 (in position A and 1.nPe2-e4 in position B) isn’t
check (1.- nPc4*d3 ep.! or in position B 1.- nPd4*e3 ep.!) (Author)
cook in b) on Winchloe 2 solutions
1.ROLRa1 2.ROLRg1 3.ROLRxd4 4.ROLRg1 5.ROLRg7 6.ROLRxe2=
1.ROLRf3 2.ROLRb3 3.ROLRe6 4.ROLRa2 5.ROLRg2 6.e4=
The difference between Popeye and Winchloe: In winchloe the rose-lion can capture its hurdle.
The theme can of course be shown in a trivial matter without twins:
W: rRNb4
B: rRNd5
N: Pd4e2
(a) ser-#2 (b) ser-=2