Stephen Emmerson (U.K.)
Original Retro & PG problems
JF – R2017-18
Definition: (click to show/hide)
Alphabetic Chess : Each side must play with which of its units that stands on the square which is earliest in alphabetical sequence (a1,a2,…,a8, b1,…,h8) and which has a legal move.
No.1352 Stephen Emmerson
original – 16.12.2018
Dedicated to Frank Moralee
Solution: (click to show/hide)
white Bf1c1 Ke1 Qd1 Ph2g2f2e2d2c2b2a2 Sg1b1 Rh1a1
black Bf8c8 Ke8 Qd8 Ph7g7f7e7d7c7b7a7 Sg8b8 Rh8a8
PG 73 (5+15) С-
Alphabetic Chess
1.a2-a3 a7-a5 2.Ra1-a2 a5-a4 3.Ra2-a1 Ra8-a5 4.Ra1-a2 Ra5-c5 5.Ra2-a1 b7-b5 6.Ra1-a2 b5-b4 7.Ra2-a1 b4-b3 {
} 8.Ra1-a2 b3*c2 9.Ra2-a1 Sb8-c6 10.Ra1-a2 c2*d1=B 11.Ra2-a1 Rc5*c1 12.Ra1-a2 Rc1-c5 13.Ra2-a1 Rc5-g5 {
} 14.Ra1-a2 Sc6-d4 15.Ra2-a1 c7-c5 16.Ra1-a2 c5-c4 17.Ra2-a1 c4-c3 18.Ra1-a2 c3-c2 19.Ra2-a1 c2-c1=R {
} 20.Ra1-a2 Rc1-c6 21.Ra2-a1 Rc6-g6 22.Ra1-a2 Bc8-b7 23.Ra2-a1 Bb7*g2 24.Ra1-a2 Bd1*e2 25.Ra2-a1 Sd4-f5 {
} 26.Ra1-a2 d7-d5 27.Ra2-a1 d5-d4 28.Ra1-a2 d4-d3 29.Ra2-a1 Qd8-d4 30.Ra1-a2 Qd4-h4 31.Ra2-a1 Be2*f1 {
} 32.Ra1-a2 e7-e5 33.Ra2-a1 e5-e4 34.Ra1-a2 e4-e3 35.Ra2-a1 e3-e2 36.Ra1-a2 Ke8-e7 37.Ra2-a1 Ke7-f6 {
} 38.Ra1-a2 Sf5-h6 39.Ra2-a1 Kf6-f5 40.Ra1-a2 Kf5-g4 41.Ra2-a1 f7-f5 42.Ra1-a2 f5-f4 43.Ra2-a1 f4-f3 {
} 44.Ra1-a2 Bf8-d6 45.Ra2-a1 Bd6*h2 46.Ra1-a2 Bg2*h1 47.Ra2-a1 Bf1-h3 48.Ra1-a2 Kg4-h5 49.Ra2-a1 Rg5-c5 {
} 50.Ra1-a2 Rc5-c2 51.Ra2-a1 Rc2*d2 52.Ra1-a2 Rd2-c2 53.Ra2-a1 Rc2-c1+ 54.Ke1-d2 Rc1-d1+ 55.Kd2-c3 Rd1-e1 {
} 56.Ra1-a2 d3-d2 57.Ra2-a1 d2-d1=B 58.Ra1-a2 Bd1-c2 59.Ra2-a1 Bc2-e4 60.Ra1-a2 Re1-c1+ 61.Kc3-b4 Rc1-c8 {
} 62.Ra2-a1 Rc8-f8 63.Ra1-a2 e2-e1=S 64.Ra2-a1 Se1-d3+ 65.Kb4*a4 Sd3*f2 66.Ra1-a2 Be4-f5+ 67.Ka4-b3 Sf2-e4 {
} 68.Ra2-a1 Se4-g3 69.Ra1-a2 f3-f2 70.Ra2-a1 f2*g1=S 71.Ra1-a2 Bf5-g4 72.Ra2-a1 Rf8-b8+ 73.Kb3-a2 Rb8-a8 {dia
(C-) }
33 switchbacks by the wRa1 (26 consecutively). One 17-move circuit by the bRa8.
The first 112 and the last 85 moves have been computer-checked. For further examples see . (Author)