The -25 & #1 stipulation means: retract 25 moves and than mate in 1 move.
Defensive Retractor: In Defensive Retractors, White and Black retract (take back) a given number of moves (-n moves), in order to reach a position in which a forward stipulation (e.g. #1, s#1) is met. Given a choice, Black will retract those moves that avoid or delay White’s goal. Unless otherwise stated, Black may defend by mating White through a forward move, if such an opportunity exists after one of Black’s retractions.
The different kinds of Defensive Retractors only differ in the way uncaptures are handled, of course only legal uncaptures are allowed. In Proca Retractors the retracting side decides, if and what man was uncaptured.
Anti-Circe (Calvet – default type for PG): After a capture the capturing piece (Ks included) must immediately be removed to its game array square (necessarily vacant, else the capture is illegal). Captures on the rebirth square are allowed. Game array squares are determined as in Circe: R, B & S go to the square of the same colour as the capture; Ps stay on the file of capture; fairy pieces go to the promotion square of the file of capture.
No.1357Günther Weeth &
Dmitrij Baibikov Germany / Israel original – 23.12.2018
Please note: the uncapture 18.Kb4:Pb5[Ke1] serves the purpose of refuting 22….,
Rg4:Xh4[Rh8]+ due to the fact that now this parry is illegal. The bPh7 having promoted on
g1 for letting pass the wPh2 for capture-free promotion on h8 needs one capture on the g-file.
So the balance proves that the rook on h8 as well as the rook on a8 cannot make use of a
white unit for uncapturing. (Authors)