Breton: When a piece is captured, a piece of the same kind (if there is one) of the capturing side must disappear. If there are several other pieces of the same kind as the captured piece, then only 1 of them must disappear, it is always the capturing side who decides which piece must disappear. If there is no piece of the same kind as the captured piece, then everything happens like an orthodox capture (no piece disappears, except the captured one).
No.1365Jean-Marc Loustau France original – 29.12.2018 Dedicated to Pierre Tritten
White Ba8 Bc7 Pd7 Kb6 Pc6 Sc5 Se5 Rc4 Pd3 Qd1
Black Bf6 Kd5 Sg5 Qe4 Rf3 Ph3
#2 (10+6)
Set Play :} 1...Qe4*d3 [-h3]
2. d7-d8=Q # {A (2... Bxd8??)}
1... Rf3*d3 [-h3]
2.d7-d8=R # {B (2... Bxd8??)
Actual Play : } 1.Qd1-h1 !{threatens} threat:
2.Qh1*h3[-c6] #
1...Qe4*d3 [-h3]
2...d7-d8=R # {B (2... Bxd8??)}
1... Rf3*d3 [-h3]
2. d7-d8=Q # {A (2... Bxd8??)
By play :} 1... h3-h2
2.Qh1*h2 [-c6] # {
(C+ by WinChloe ; Breton condition is not implemented in Popeye)
Reciprocal Change of white promotions by the same Pawn on the same square
In set play specific Breton self-pins
In actual play specific Breton half-pin
Specific motives of defence (capture of a white Pawn in order to remove a black one,
preventing the removal of another white Pawn)
Dedicated to Pierre in reference to his great work to popularize this very interesting condition
(Breton), previously almost unknown: an article in Phenix (first steps in Breton) and of course
many excellent problems. (Author)
> Breton condition is not implemented in Popeye
Breton will be supported by Popeye 4.81
Very nice problem, by the way!
Superbe problème, merci Jean Marc, pour la dédicace!
Like the threat and defence nicely matching and thematic.
What a clever idea!
Excellent and original adaptation of the famous reciprocal changes mechanism to the Breton condition