Royal Piece: Piece that executes a function of the King on the board.
Anti-Super Circe: On making a capture, any capturing unit (including the King) is reborn on any free field on the board without causing a self-check or a selfmate. Thus every move has two active parts: capturing component (capture of enemy piece) and rebirth (replacing) component. If the first or second component is not possible, the move is illegal. The captured unit disappears as in normal chess. Pawns (white, black, neutrals, half-neutrals) can be reborn on the first or eight row. When reborn on the first row (for Black) or the 8th row (for White), the promotion (as the second move’s part) is obligatory and the promoted unit is chosen by the capturing side. White reborn Pawns on 1st rank (black on 8th) have no power. Normal, orthodox rules for castling and en passant are in force with the following additional elements: castling is permitted with the reborn King or (plus) Rook, and en passant is possible in combination with the Pawn’s promotion as second component of the same capturing move.
Anchor Ring: Toroidal board, made by connection of verticals “a” and “h” with the subsequent connection of the 1st and 8th horizontals.
Zebra (Z): (2,3) Leaper.
No.1378Aleksandr Bulavka Belarus original – 24.02.2019
Zebra-wheel and S-wheel (at destination). The idea is to demonstrate the following fact: on
the 8x8 toroidal board, Zebra controls exactly the same squares as S staying four diagonal squares away from it. (Author)
White king seems unneeded and it even destroys the quality of final positions. It is possible to do implement the idea without it (using a white royal pawn with a promotion key).
It is even possible to double the idea with some Royal dynasty.
Some more changes would be necessary to deal with the defence 1…h5 if the wK is absent. Perhaps bP>h7 and then everything turned 180 degrees (rZa1, Pa2), with a key that puts the wS within reach of a2?
White king seems unneeded and it even destroys the quality of final positions. It is possible to do implement the idea without it (using a white royal pawn with a promotion key).
It is even possible to double the idea with some Royal dynasty.
Some more changes would be necessary to deal with the defence 1…h5 if the wK is absent. Perhaps bP>h7 and then everything turned 180 degrees (rZa1, Pa2), with a key that puts the wS within reach of a2?
No, on anchor ring the knight always has two ways to attack any square, if at all possible. So, only promotion key will work.
This works:
WPh7, B Royal Zebra b6, BPb7
With key: 1.h8=S!
1…Zc6 2.Sxh6->a2?
Should be 2.Sxh6->g2!
No, it should have been 1…Ze6