Neutral piece: Belongs to whichever side chooses to use it. It can therefore be moved or captured by White or Black, and in Circe it is reborn according to capture. A King may not be moved onto a square controlled by a neutral piece, because of self-check.
No.1392Sébastien Luce France original – 24.03.2019
White Kg5 Rd3 Pd6
Black Ke5 Bb2 Sc8 Pe6e4g2
Neutral Bc5
h#2 (3+6+1)
b) Pd6→f6 ; c) Pd6→c3 ; d) Pd6→g3
Neutral Bc5
1.nBc5-a7 nBa7-b8 2.Sc8-a7 d6-d7 #
b) wPd6-->f6
1.nBc5-f8 nBf8-g7 2.nBg7-h8 f6-f7 #
c) wPd6-->c3
1.nBc5-a3 nBa3*b2 2.nBb2-a1 c3-c4 #
d) wPd6-->g3
1.nBc5-g1 nBg1-h2 2.g2-g1=S g3-g4 # {
(C+ by WinChloe and Popeye)}
Four battery mates by neutral Bishop and white Pawn in four different directions. In d) the promotion in black Knight is the only one to correctly self block g1 square. (Author)
Excellent presentation! Is the same task possible with a neutral Rook?