Argentinian Chess pieces: Loco (LO): the Argentinian Bishop, moves by hopping diagonally over a hurdle on any arbitrary square behind it, captures like an ordinary Bishop. Faro (FA): the Argentinian Rook, moves by hopping orthogonally over a hurdle on any arbitrary square behind it, captures like an ordinary Rook. Senora (SE): the Argentinian Queen, Loco+Faro, moves by hopping diagonally/orthogonally over a hurdle on any arbitrary square behind it, captures like an ordinary Queen. Saltador (SA): the Argentinian Knight, moves like a MOA hopper + MAO hopper and captures like an ordinary MOA+MAO (MOA(MO): The Chinese knight, which is a Rider, moving along a bent line to the arrival square of a normal Knight, first diagonally then orthogonally. The MOA can be interfered with on the intervening square. MAO(MA): The Chinese knight, which is a Rider, moving along a bent line to the arrival square of a normal Knight, first orthogonally then diagonally. The Mao can be interfered with on the intervening square.).
No.1435Michael Barth & Franz Pachl Germany original – 07.09.2019