Point Reflection: When two pieces of any colour stand on squares that are symmetric with respect to the central point of the chessboard (eg. a1-h8, b3-g6), they exchange their powers of movement. A Pawn (or a Pawn-reflected piece) on the first rank cannot move by itself. Only non-reflected K and R can castle, and only non-reflected Pawns can capture en passant.
No.1454Geoff Foster Australia original – 30.10.2019
The bQ moves back-and-forth along the same line, both diagonally and laterally. It does this because it always wants to move to the square that is symmetrically-opposite the wK, so that the wK can move as a Q (in the mates the wK guards 4 squares around the bK). In the first mate the bQf6 moves as a K, so the wKc3 is not in check and also 4.Qc6?? is not possible. The tries ...Kf3? 2.Qc6 Kf3-c3?? and ...Kf2? 2.Qc7 Kf2-c5?? fail because of self-check. (Author)