Point Reflection: When two pieces of any colour stand on squares that are symmetric with respect to the central point of the chessboard (eg. a1-h8, b3-g6), they exchange their powers of movement. A Pawn (or a Pawn-reflected piece) on the first rank cannot move by itself. Only non-reflected K and R can castle, and only non-reflected Pawns can capture en passant.
Super-Circe: When captured, a piece is reborn on any free field on the chess board without causing self-check or selfmate. Possible is also removal of captured piece from the board. The Pawns (white, black, neutrals, half- neutrals) can be reborn on the first or eight row also. When reborn on the first row (for Black) or on the eight row (for White) the promotion is obligatory. When reborn on the first row (for White) or on the eight row (for Black) the Pawns are immovable.
Neutral piece: Belongs to whichever side chooses to use it. It can therefore be moved or captured by White or Black, and in Circe it is reborn according to capture. A King may not be moved onto a square controlled by a neutral piece, because of self-check.
No.1476Cornel Pacurar Canada original – 19.01.2020
ser-hs#3 b) Ba7→g7 (1+1+4)
Super Circe
Point Reflection
Neutral pieces a7, f3, f7, h2
a) 1.nRf7*f3[+nBc6] 2.nRf3*c6[+nBc4] 3.nRc6*c4[+nBg3]+ {
} 4.nRh2*g3[+nBc1]+ nRc4*c1[+nBb6] #
b) nBa7-->g7
1.nRf7*g7[+nBh3] 2.Ke3*f3[+nBc1] 3.nRh2*h3[+nBg3]+ {
} 4.nRg7*g3[+nBh1]+ nRh3*h1[+nBb6] # {
(C+ by Popeye 4.83)}
It is interesting to note that under the general Power Transfer framework, Point Reflection is equivalent to Symmetry Circe Power Transfer Rex Inclusive. See JF 1466 for a standard Circe Power Transfer Rex Inclusive composition. (Author)
I would have preferred the solutions to be written in the format below (a ser-hs#3 is a 3-move help-series followed by a s#1, not a 4-move series – see, for instance, http://www.feenschach.de/downloads/f72TT.pdf). However, as informed by Julia, this would have broken the animation..
I would have preferred the solutions to be written in the format below (a ser-hs#3 is a 3-move help-series followed by a s#1, not a 4-move series – see, for instance, http://www.feenschach.de/downloads/f72TT.pdf). However, as informed by Julia, this would have broken the animation..
1.nRxf3 (+nBc6) 2.nRxc6 (+nBc4) 3.nRxc4 (+nBg3)+
& 1.nRxg3 (+nBc1)+ nRxc1 (+nBb6)#
1.nRxg7 (+nBh3) 2.Kxf3 (+nBc1) 3.nRxh3 (+nBg3)+
& 1.nRxg3 (+nBh1)+ nRxh1 (+nBb6)#