Original Fairy problems
01.01.2021 - 31.12.2022
No. 1627 James Malcom
original - 22.06.2021
white Bf1c1 Ke1 Qd1 Ph2g2f2e2d2c2b2a2 Sg1b1 Rh1a1
black Bf8c8 Ke8 Qd8 Ph7g7f7e7d7c7b7a7 Sg8b8 Rh8a8
PG 18 13+14
Dummy promotion 🙂
Dummy promotion 🙂
Solution: (click to show/hide)
Julia there are typos! The f4 bishop should be on g4 and the rook on h6 needs to be on a6. Also, the promotion is to a dummy unit and not a dummy pawn, or is there no other way to show it? Lastly I would like for the stipulation to contain “(-:” to indicate further the deviant nature of it from orthodox rules (all chess joke are fairy in some sense anyway).
Like this? Have corrected Ra6, Bg4, Dummy [excl. pawn], but still I show it as rotated P – I have to show it somehow! 🙂
Thank you. The dummy pawn is the ultimate underpromotion; promotion to nothing can sometimes mean everything!
Julia, under the diagram there should be a (-:, not an ordinary “:-)” smiley…
P.S. Michael Caillaud emailed me recently. I happy to report that he ran Jacobi for 0.2 seconds short of a day and the problem is fully C+! So the problem’s introduction in the June posting ought the be changed please, dear Julia.