Original Fairy problems
01.07.2021 - 31.12.2021
No. 1673 Menachem Witztum
original - 19.12.2021
white Pe4 Sa4g8 Bc6 Ke8
black Pd3d2b3d6 Rc1 Kc2 Qc4 Ba3 Se7
h#2 5+9
Solution: (click to show/hide)
Nice one with cross checks and exchange of functions. Reminds me of the wcct-2 fairy theme
The crosscheck mechanism in the second moves even with capture in the B1 moves was already shown. Among such problems, one problem for comparison (but in no way anticipation) – by Uri Avner in 5 phases.
Thanks Juraj. Avner goes for the maximum effect with checks to WK on five different directions! Still two solution seems more appropriate for this theme 😉. After all Avner’s problem has an idle white rook in each solution (it got first prize anyway 🤔)
I was reminded of this problem. (No anticipation of course)